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Manifest Destiny: The Ultimate Cat Lady

Let's begin with a confession:  I don't read fashion magazines.

Yep. There you have it.

Glossy pages filled with things I can't afford and, in most cases, aren't my style -- but that I then go on to try and collect because the magazine has somehow got me thinking I must have these items or I'll fade away into non-existence? Yeah, I don't do that anymore.  

But Grace at Stripes & Sequins has me thinking I may need to reconsider this non-conformist move.  Late this morning her site went down, but she had mentioned something about cats prior to it hitting the skids.  So this afternoon I meandered back over to see if she had DIY'd some sort of the ultimate homage to cats (if you aren't already aware, Grace is a DIY Queen) when I laid eyes on what might be the most magnificent layout of cats to ever befall the pages of any fashion magazine EVER.  Granted I wouldn't know, but I'm just going to go out on a limb. 

And who knows? Maybe everyone and their mother already knows about about it, but in case you're like me and haven't seen this splendiferous display: Images are from the pages of Vogue Italia (May 2008) via Stripes and Sequins via Fashion Gone Rogue

I advise all you cat lovin' ladies to lay down if you aren't already. Brace. Brace I tell you!
Here we have a jumper. *gulp*
Um, a herd. Can I be her? Wait, I am. 
But without the glasses. Ultimate accessory...aside from the herd, that is.
Cat at eleven o'clock. Wearing glasses. *dies*
Rats on head? No thanks. Cat on arm? Yes please.
Cats on the stairs. Cat MUG. 
Grey Gardens style.
Cat musicians. *cries*
OMG. They caught me in my wig.
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