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GameCam Night Pix

I call this one: "Devil Bunny, Tire Swing, Moon, and Pear Tree."

I have been having fun with my two remote nature cameras. One is a Wingscapes BirdCam designed to take daytime images at feeders, nest boxes, bird baths, etc. The other is a MoultrieGameCam designed to take nighttime images of wildlife. Many hunters use gamecams to see what deer are coming in to a feeding station or what game is using a certain trail.

The night cams have motion sensors and a flash unit that lets them take a shot every time something walks past the sensor. These remote cameras bring out your inner spy.

I placed the Moultrie out in the east edge of the yard to capture images of the critters that were coming in to eat the pears falling from the ancient pear tree. I got what I expected—mostly rabbits and deer. Here are a few of the more interesting shots.

At 4 am, a nice-sized buck comes in for some pears. Check out the temperature registered on the camera. Brr!

This old boy is big enough to reach some of the low-hanging fruit. Smaller deer have to wait for wind falls.

A "fork-horn" buck hears the camera click.

And a nice six-pointer hoovers up some fruit.

Just at dusk, the first buck checks for any newly dropped fruit and also looks toward the house to see if anyone is about.

All kinds of wildlife gets captured in action.