Blog Informasi Tentang Burung Ciblek dan Burung Kicauan Lokal

Caption Contest #2

I hope you will forgive me for running another BOTB caption contest so soon after the last one, but here are my (rather feeble) reasons:

1. It's a short, holiday-filled week.
2. I have a pressing deadline.
3. The last BOTB caption contest was so much fun.
4. Holidays and a goose naturally go together.
5. I could NOT hide this amazing photo of Ohio birding icon Jim McCormac any longer.

Here's the rumpus:
Share your creative and funny caption with the rest of us via the Comments option below. The deadline for entries is 6 pm on Christmas Day (that's Thursday, December 25, FYI).

I will announce a winner on Boxing Day (Friday, December 26, 2008). The winner gets a year's subscription to Santa's favorite birding magazine, Bird Watcher's Digest.

Go in peace.

p.s. That's a barnacle goose (the one with the black neck). , , , ,