Chris (no blog listed) who said...
- If you can just replace that "S" with an "R", you've got yourself a sale!
Chris, I loved this one for its cleverness.
Please contact me at Bird Watcher's Digest to claim your prize.
Here are the runners-up, all of which made me laugh:
Julie Zickefoose said...
South's gonna do it agin.

Deborah said...
This should be a lot easier when they get that so-called Bird Atlas finished . .
Arj said...
The Mrs. is gonna be so proud that for once I did stop and ask for directions...
which resembled this fine entry:
Dubs said...
Must be a female wren; a male would never stop for directions.
rmharvey said...
Non-migratory species can not rely on an innate sense of direction, but there are other ways....
elizabird said...
I am the Northern Wren.Thanks for playing, everyone! caption contest , Carolina wren , funny photos