- Congratulations to rmharvey, who is the lucky winner of a $25 gift certificate to the Bird Watcher's Digest online store. RM, please contact me directly (editor AT birdwatchersdigest DOT com) to set up the transfer of funds into your Swiss bank account.
- Dubs said...
- Birding with Buster was such a drag. At every arrow he'd stop and try to find what bird it was pointing at.
- Jeanne Ritchie said...
- Bill getting a close up of a sharp "tern"
Although quite common along roadways, a close view of the brightly colored Turnus vulgaris is always a treat.
Thanks to everyone who came out to play for Caption Contest #7. And a special thanks to my friend Chuck Hagner at Birder's World Magazine for letting me use this image of him which I took (sneakily) on a birding trip to Brazil. I didn't even ask his permission to use it and Chuck (always a good sport) did not call in the lawyers (at least not yet). Thanks, CH!
Apologies for the delayed results post. It seems I have discovered one of the last Internet-free zones on the planet. And I only just now found my way out. However I may be entering another Webless realm over the next few days, so if there's nothing new here, you'll know that the weather was nice enough for us to float the Missouri River. If there are new posts here it's either because the weather was horrible or I have perfected cloning (or figured out the ant's technique for storing up blog posts and scheduling them in advance).
OK. None of that makes any sense. caption contest