Among the other things and sites I'm hoping we'll see this coming
week in North Dakota are the rails that nest on the potholes, including the sora (above). But we've also seen Virginia rails and heard both black and yellow rails out there where every field seems to have a wet, reedy edge—perfect rail habitat.

Black terns nest here and there in the part of North Dakota we'll be visiting. We once found an old farm house on a knoll above twin sloughs that had a huge colony of nesting black terns. For a couple of weeks, we were seriously considering buying that place. The house was so decrepit that it had cliff swallows nesting in an upstairs bedroom. Some hunters who'd been using the house illegally bought it instead. Maybe we'll go visit it again this year to see how they've fixed the old place up.

There are many North Dakota roads that head off into the distance, straight as a string, bound for nowhere apparent.

The largest nesting colony of American white pelicans is at
Chase Lake NWR, near Carrington, North Dakota. There will be pelicans all over the place.

Every pool of water seems to have ducks on it—often a pair of nesting northern shovelers. Gadwalls and blue-winged teal are also very common.

When we land in Bismarck, our first stop will be
Scheels, our favorite outdoor outfitter store. Scheels is where I discovered
Keen shoes many years ago. We will drop about $500 there on stuff that we sort of need but that is really cool, comfy, or useful. And, since Father's Day is fast approaching, I will once again ask my kids to buy me a camo Lay-Z-Boy recliner with matching Buck Fever pillow. Just imagine how the camo recliner would permit me to sneak up on that plate of nachos! It's three years and counting and I still have not received this precious gift. And I have been a pretty dang good father.
birding in North Dakota