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Winner of Caption Contest #11!

Editor of Bird Watcher's Digest photographed hazing an intern, forcing her to provide him
constant shade while in the field.

“NASA reports that the reflection off my head is contributing to global warming. I just see this as another example of the green movement providing new job opportunities” responded Bill Thompson III.

Congratulations to Robert Mortensen for this two-part doozy. Robert blogs here.

Some other chuckle-makers:

2stampis2b said...Dost thou need a breeze, M'Lord?

Anonymous said...Honestly the ad said it was guarenteed to grow hair using veiled solar rays in just 6-12 hours!

cyberthrush said...Now you can focus the sun's rays to get that quick long-lasting tan you always want in minutes, with the new portable 'Jimdandy Tanner' from Ronco. (...and if you order in the next 15 minutes, we'll throw in a pocket fisherman for free!)

Su said:....."I knight thee Sir Birdsalot"

In this photo, Lisa White, amazing bird-book editor at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company in Boston is holding a giant light reflector over me while Jeffrey A. Gordon (standing out of the frame) videotapes an interview with me. This was for the Peterson Field Guide podcast series, and was meant to be a part of an interview with the podcast producers (Jeff, me, and our project manager, Lisa). But we all hated so much how we looked and sounded on camera, that we scrapped the idea. Special thanks to Phoebe Thompson for taking the photos of our failed in-the-field interviews.

Thanks, too, to everyone for sending along their clever captions. Wishing you a restful, birdy-as-heck holiday weekend! I am calling the Hair Club first thing Monday morning.

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