If you'd like some back story about the trip, you can see a handful of BOTB posts on Panama here, here, here, and over here too. And here.
If you'd rather ingest a bit of poetry that came to me while birding on this isthmus between Central and South America, then hie thee to this link about the view from Cerro Azul.
On the other hand, if it's Giant Things that float your dugout canoe, then here you go amigo.
For more general information about birding spots in Panama, see the "Far Afield" article in the Jan/Feb 2010 issue of Bird Watcher's Digest (now mailing from the printer), and on the BWD website under the "Watch Our Website" links at the bottom of the homepage.
Hope you enjoy the new episode of TBL. Let me know (good, bad, indifferent, constructive criticism) if the spirit moves you.

See you out there with the birds! birding in Panama , panama la , This Birding Life Podcast