On the pelagic trip I joined out of San Diego, California, in early March, I got a chance to take a few images of what just might be North America's most beautiful gull. Note that I said "gull" not "girl." And I suppose this is where, by law, I am required to insert the joke "I wish they all could be California gulls."
We did see Cali gulls on the trip, as well as western, ring-billed, Bonaparte's, and glaucous-winged. But the most beautiful, in my Humboldt (Current) opinion is the Heermann's gull. Breeding adults are sooty-gray above, white below, with a white head and bright red bill. They just appear elegant mixed in with the other, often larger, gulls.

Hard as it was to get a decent shot of a flying bird while standing on a rolling boat deck, I managed one or two keepers.
I'll post more about this trip in the near future. After all, I've just gotta share the experience of getting a handful of lifers. birding in California , Heermann's gull , pelagic trips