Blog Informasi Tentang Burung Ciblek dan Burung Kicauan Lokal

100% Goodness

The one nice thing that happened yesterday was I finally got a half decent rental to drive while this gong show of an accident/insurance debacle gets straightened out. The girl from the car rental place who helped us was a real gem too.  As I was signing the final paperwork she quietly said, "oh and by the way you have the most amazing skin".  It was the kindest compliment especially on a day when I was not feeling my best.

Her words sparked an interesting and fun conversation between the two of us while the chef looked on with a grin.  We talked for a bit and I flat out told her that while I don't use a lot of product on my face, my one absolute is this:

 Have you ever used it?  I really like the products at 100% Pure because they don't contain toxic chemicals, preservatives, artificial colors, or any other unhealthy toxins.  I have been using this Nourishing Facial Oil in the morning and before bed for the past few years and it keeps my skin looking very healthy and moisturized. Not only does it do what it says, it also smells amazing and absorbs very well into the skin without leaving any film or residue behind.

After I wash my face and apply the oil in the morning I eat a little breakfast and let it relax into my face.  Once back in the bathroom I sometimes also apply a light moisturizer with SPF or simply go straight to the Bare Escentuals application process before donning an outfit and setting out to my day.  When things got really dry this winter I switched to the healing balm which is a little more dense, but also very effective at keeping skin moisturized.  If you are looking for a natural alternative to the moisturizer you are using, I would highly recommend either of these to keep your skin looking young and refreshed.  We're on borrowed time here ladies and our skin deserves to be treated well! , ,