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Cynthia Vincent for Target

A few weeks ago around dreaded tax time I found myself on the fringes of Orange County with an hour to kill before meeting my accountant.  Now being in any neighborhood where everything looks the same gives me hives so what's a girl to do?  Uh, run to the safety zone better known as Target thank you very much!  While perusing the aisles in search of a find I happened to wander past the shoes only to see the words CYNTHIA VINCENT FOR TARGET glaring out at me from bright yellow boxes.

Okay, have you seen people hobbling  strolling around in these little $350 Cynthia Vincent babies lately? 

Well lookie lookie here at what I saw with my own two eyes right up in Target for $29.99:

Can you even deal with it?  Because I know I can't.  That's damn near the exact same shoe from the same design label - minus the higher quality leather and upgraded sole mind you - but STILL.  Now granted they only had size 9's left at the store I visited (on day 2 of this Cynthia Vincent extravaganza?) and I have specifically checked out a couple other locations hoping to find the shoe, but have not had any luck.  All that being said bear in mind I am in Southern California; so in cooler locations or other places that aren't such a glut for shoppers I do think with a little persistence, and use of the "Find at a Target" locator button, there is still a snowball's chance in hell that you might be able to nab them.

*After some due diligence it appears there were limited size runs sent to the stores but, in my opinion, it would be well worth a little effort and pain to get a decent knock off rather than get whacked for $350 - if you can help it, anyway.

Not wanting to leave empty-handed I decided on these little numbers:

And by that I mean the lovely yellow ones on the right and not the atrocity of the chef's socked feet in flip flops on the left.  Good grief.  What is wrong with men sometimes?  If nothing else his mess on the left only makes my purchase look even better!  I am a connoisseur of shoes and believe in the value of a good shoe meaning they're usually more expensive, but these shoes are a real deal at $24.99.  The color is great for summer, they're super cute with jeans or shorts, and actually fit very well too.  Jackpot!

If you're interested still has this cute studded sandal available as well in pink, black and white.  Let's face it - summer comes and goes pretty quickly so with Fall's upcoming fabulous trends it helps to save a little now in order to have a little more then.  Happy shopping! , , , , ,