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On Birthdays and Handbags and Tragedies

I was going to save this one for my birthday in August, but when I was emptying some pictures out of the camera tonight I came across this picture from the weekend.

And it reminded me of how the bf was very kind to me in my sickness on Saturday; encouraging me to get out of the house for just a little while to clear my head of sickville.  And then I got to staring at the Alexander Wang handbag he got me for my birthday this past year.  The Coco Duffel.

Pretty little thing, isn't it?  And it builds a mean arm muscle too.  Those studs are not for the faint at heart.

Whenever I carry the bag, see it in its little dust bag in my closet, or notice someone else carrying one it brings back this memory:

That's one of my cats - Sister Lil; I just call her Lil or the Liller :)  Look at her with her crazy cast and her little pain patch that was supposed to stay on for 2 days, but got chewed off in 20 minutes. 

When I moved to my second place in LA I was pretty much dying of loneliness, hating my job, and wishing for a pet....then I found my cats living under the house.  From my mouth to God's ears!!  They had been abandoned and were feral cats, but I was determined to tame them.  So I fed them every day and soon they would wander into the house and sit for awhile. Eventually I got to pet the big one (Monkey Boy), but Lil just wasn't ready yet.

Cut to present:  These cats have lived with me for 7 years and they are great, loyal companions.  Until last year I let them come and go as they please.  Until my birthday.

The Chef planned a great, low-key day.  He made an awesome breakfast, we went to the spa, we wandered around afterward, we had a great dinner - the whole 9 yards.  But he was disappointed because the "main gift" hadn't shown up yet.  No biggie.  It's on the way, I said.  That night we talked about how we should celebrate my birthday all year because it was such a relaxing day.

The next day we were heading out to separate appointments.  Lil was under my bed (not uncommon).  When I ran back into my bedroom to grab something I saw her leaning up against the wall unable to stand and clearly badly injured.  Hence the photo of her in the cast.  Picture it:  semi-wild cat on death's doorstep, but clearly wanting me to know so I could help her.   

She scooted under the bed.

I panicked.  I called one vet.  And another vet.  And a pet ambulance.  You know people are not that helpful if you're cat's not entirely tame.

Finally a vet from another cat rescue we had done (found a kitten on the center median of the 110 Freeway that had been thrown out of a moving car in rush hour traffic - now THERE'S another story for you)...well, the rescue vet agreed to do a housecall.  They got Lil into a carrier; and x-rays and tests and screens and hours later we found out she had been hit by a car, had a torn ACL at least, and would need major surgery.  I was just glad she was alive.  Poor thing got the surgery a few days later - again, see the above picture - and was decked out in the season's latest neon for 2 weeks.  It was crazy because she had to live in that crate for 6 WEEKS.  Can you say drama??

I think I lost 10 lbs.

The night she got her surgery I was a tore up wreck.  The Chef came into my room as I was getting ready for bed and handed me a box.  I was completely confused and short-fused.  I had forgotten about my birthday.  When I opened the box there she was:  Coco.

I was speechless - which is a rarity.  Seriously.  I brought new meaning to the term "loss for words" because I was utterly stunned.  I mean I have few nice handbags, but nothing of that caliber.  And  I never expected a fat gift like THAT.  And I didn't recall even mentioning the bag more than once except to say something along the lines of I can't believe the likes of Kristen Cavallari is carrying that bag and does nothing while I work my a** off and the closest I'll ever get to it is staring at it through some glass. 

Receiving this gift is a moment I will never forget. So every time I see the bag I am filled with memories of everything - both good and tragic - that was happening around the time it was given to me.  Makes carrying it quite interesting!

Here's a final close up.  Thanks for listening to my story...x

ps - how about those shoes??  Damn that Mike & Chris for losing control of the company!! , , ,