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You Can Leave Your Hat On: Eugenia Kim for Target Pt. 1

I've been sick for 6 weeks and I'm basically over it.  I don't mean I'm over it as in getting healthy over it; I mean my patience has worn thin over it.

I've been on lockdown in my house all week with the exception of one handbag extravaganza outing Thursday night so after a day of tying up loose ends at work, last night we decided to get out for a little while to get some fresh air.  To say I'm in no mood to mess with the hair is an understatement.  Making every effort to hurry before wandering back under the covers, I slapped on one of the new Eugenia Kim hats I snagged at Target shortly after the line launched.  Snagged is a word I use nonchalantly here because the truth is I basically stalked those hats down in multiple Targets early in the morning for days on end until the right ones were entered into my collection.  At one point I think I owned all but one in the entire collection - it was a mess - but Eugenia Kim is no joke.  She makes a mean hat.

When we left the house the Chef got a picture of me in front of my crazy neighbor's truck.  That guy loves his truck and now I'm kinda starting to love it too.  He glued little skulls on either side of the rear license plate - not decals, but actual 2 inch little skulls with green eyes - and hand-painted the back in red white and black stripes with one of those little paint brushes you use in 4th grade art class.  No jokes.  I seriously wish I could show you the skulls, but for privacy's sake I don't want to show the guy's plate.

Anyway, here's shot one of EK's Plaid Straw Fedora with blue trim.  Can you see the giddy in my eyes?  I'm not sure if it's because I'm standing in such close proximity to the truck or because I'm so thrilled with the hat.  Maybe both.  Oh, and I'm also a hypocrite (confession cleanses the soul?) because I've been ripping on the fedora as dead in the water and overused and overdone for the past 2 years.  Now I'm eating a foot sandwich as one (the hat not the foot) that I love and plan to wear all summer appears on my head.

 Before my neighbor could come out and rip me a new one for standing by/touching his baby aka the truck, we drove over to the beach.  Now you will get the full magnitude of fun this little chapeau can bring to an outfit...

Cute or what??  It's straw so it's really breathable and your head doesn't feel like a sweat fest under the hat.

Here's a close-up...see that funky little parrot on the side?  People LOVE him!  So do I!!

There, that's a clearer picture for you to see both the parrot and a side view of the hat.  I'm really happy I jumped off the fedora hating wagon because this hat is saving me from many a bad hair day right now.  I'm giving all the credit to Eugenia Kim because I was a hater until I saw her line.

I'm still pretty sick so don't know if I'll get to Pt.2 of Ms. Kim til next week, but I'll do my best for tomorrow or Sunday before the Lost Season Finale (pins and needles people!).  Is anyone going to get off that damn island alive??

Hope you have a great weekend!  And no I'm not flicking the bird...some sand got stuck on my lip - oops!

Outfit details:  Fedora - Eugenia Kim for Target, Button down tunic - Converse One Star, Denim - Siwy Hannah (these ones aren't the cropped style, but I have that pair also and they're basically the same only differing in length), Sandals - Matt Bernson Barracuda

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