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Discovering Nature with Gaby Basora

As the Memorial Day long weekend approached the Chef and I had grand plans to get away and relax.  Then when it actually arrived all we wanted to do was not be with everyone else getting away to relax.  So, instead, on Friday we sat down and wrote a list of things we would like to do over the weekend like nap, go to the beach, nap, go to the movies, nap, visit a couple restaurants, take another nap and take a nap.  I know I keep saying it, but I've been sick for so many weeks now that all I could think of was getting better. 

Well, come Sunday evening we had taken in a couple movies (SATC being one of them - yeah!),  prepared and consumed a ridiculously amazing frittata - recipe to follow tomorrow so start fasting now, spent a couple hours at the beach:

Eaten one of the Chef's favorite dishes (Chorizo and Clams) at one of his favorite spots:

And I had consumed more than my fair share of Pinkberry (sorry Yogurtland lovers, I prefer my toppings without kiddie hand germs in them - she said with love in her heart).

On Sunday night as I was going to bed I decided to sleep in a little on Monday and then head to the beach to get some color on my very white legs.  Instead I slept in until around noon.  When I stumbled out of bed and down the hallway, I was greeted by the Chef's little lady:

What a face!!  After some pets were distributed I went outside to check the weather and sit in the sun for a bit.  Now the Chef has a great front yard that attracts a lot of birds you don't normally see much of in LA if you are sans yard.  While I was out there I noticed this tiny nest in the tree by the front door:
I wasn't sure who that might belong to, but had seen a hummingbird zipping around and noticed there were two very small eggs in the nest.  Sure enough, after sitting there for a bit look who showed up:
Wow. After about an hour of flying in and out of her nest, she decided I was not a threat, settled in and let me get a few really close pictures.  Here's one of them:
Beautiful or what?  Watching her was so interesting, I kind of forgot about the beach!  And instead noticed how the Chef's front yard is chock full of trees and flowers and plants and fruit trees.  Peaches are actually ripe for the picking right now:
Enter the amazing Gaby Basora - designer behind the blouse I'm wearing in the picture above.  She is the mastermind behind the brand Tucker.  Have you heard of it?  I hadn't until a few months ago.  Then, as the closet fate fairies would have it, a few weeks ago I was invited to a Trunk Show featuring Gaby, and actually got to meet her and preview a number of her Spring/Summer items.  The blouse is what I ultimately purchased, but it was a tough decision and I have a feeling one of her dresses might be making its way into my closet soon.
I was all hopped up about the bird so I went back in the house, put my hair up and brought the Chef back out with me to enjoy the day.  The cat had to stay inside - for the bird's sake :)
Back to the blouse:  Gaby uses the most colorful and beautiful silk fabric to make her pieces, and they can easily be worn from day to night.  Look at how cute the shirt looks with simple skinny denim.  Pardon me while I pick the vegetation out of my hair.  Oops!  As long as the bird wasn't in there I was okay...
Trying to get into the habit of stopping to smell the roses. Hope it sticks.

Hope you had a safe and relaxing weekend.  I'm looking forward to seeing and reading about what everyone did (or did not do)!

Outfit details:  Blouse - Tucker by Gaby Basora, Slim Fit Denim by Martin + Osa (not sure what's left, sadly), Shoes - Peep toe Super High by Swedish Hasbeens
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