Blog Informasi Tentang Burung Ciblek dan Burung Kicauan Lokal

How To Twist Your Ankle In 5 Seconds Or Less

Starring the Pierre Hardy Denim Wedge for Gap.

When I first saw these all I can say is there was an audible gasp.  I love denim, I love a good wedge for summer, and I will take every opportunity to support Gap when it looks like it's doing anything that remotely resembles regaining its once former glory (which to me was excellent denim and basics).

So when the Pierre Hardy summer line was released and this shoe almost immediately became unavailable in my size online I tracked it down and had it shipped.  And then I waited.  So excited.

It arrived.  I opened the box and took it out.  Still so excited.

I took one shoe out of the box and took a picture of it. "You're home now," I said to it.  Seriously.  I'm crazy like that.

And then I took both shoes, went into my office, sat down at the desk and began thinking about the great post I was going to write to you about these shoes.  Then I put them on my feet.  And almost immediately my arches began to ache.

I realize you haven't known me very long, but I have a lot of shoes and a lot of them have high heels.  I say this to say I am no stranger to wearing high heels - stick, wedge or otherwise - for long periods of time without any (or at least very minimal) discomfort.  I have never been sitting down, without having walked in a heel, and had my feet ache.  Ever.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.  So I walked down the hall, still in the shoes, to answer the door.  And damn near broke my neck!  Can you say busted ankle?  How about hip replacement?  Or maybe neck brace?

Collecting myself from a tragic yelp and near fall, not to mention major embarrassment, I retrieved a package from the mailman who must have thought I was drunk, insane or maybe both.  I mean there I was with majorly tossed up salad for hair wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt stumbling around in the middle of the afternoon in sky high denim wedges.  Can you imagine what these people must encounter on a daily basis?  Good grief.  I was utterly mortified.

It was then I realized the dream was dead and it was not going to work for me and the denim wedge.  So I tiptoed over to the couch with the last shred of my dignity (I was not going to take those shoes off in front of the mailman and admit defeat) and got out the camera for one photo.

There it is above.  Note the slightly red ankle on closest foot. The shoes then went back into the box from whence they came and returned to the Gap. 

Hats off to all the sweet bloggers wearing the wedge with the fabric bows!  You go girls!  Me and my ankles (and arches) are gonna sit this one out.  xo , ,