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My Favorite Things

I decided to do this follow-up post on my favorite things because Debby from Inspired Design (winner of the Melinda Maria Bangle Giveaway - please see previous post) actually tagged me on it last week.  So, in honor of Debby here goes! (and I wasn't sure how many of my favorite things to include so I just did what came to mind immediately)  p.s. - I'm not going to say shoes because that's kind of a no-brainer for me.  Just throwin' that out there.

Japanese Quince Candles by Seda France

These have been my favorite candles for over 5 years.  It doesn't matter who comes over - they always comment on the magical scent that wafts from them.  I'm completely over the edge for Japanese Quince and also use the handsoap in the bathroom and room spray all around the house.  Indulge ladies!! (If you haven't already)

Current/Elliott Denim

I realize you may be saying to yourself "whoopee-ding; this is nothing creative" - welp, that's okay.  There's a reason everyone and their mother loves these jeans - and I do mean mother because my mom totally wants a pair and she does not pay more than $100 for jeans in an extreme moment.  I've said it before and I'll say it again - best denim in all the land.  Emily Current and Merritt Elliott are kick-ass stylists who work closely with Serge Azria, CEO and Creative Director of Current/Elliott, to offer the ultimate in worn-in premium denim that literally feels like you've owned it for years.  You won't be sorry...take my mom's word for it.

The smell between the pages of a book.

Ever since I was a wee little girl I've loved books, and I give all the credit to my parents.  My mom read to me in the womb (or so she reports) and as an infant, and my earliest memories of my dad always include him with a book.  They instilled in me a love for the written word that has remained to this day.  As a kid I would go in the library, crack open a book and breathe deep - something I still do when I pick up a book.  The smell between the pages is oddly comforting to me, and you just KNOW there's something good waiting for you inside as well.

Fresh.  Now I like everything at Fresh and I have a little mini-Fresh store in my bathroom at all times, but for the sake of this post I'll list their Sugar Lip Treatment.

Other than their Sugar Blossom Perfume, it is the product I've used the longest.  It works, it doesn't cause mad peeling, the packaging is outstanding, and it lasts.  I'm Canadian.  We know all about cold winters and chapped lips...and this stuff waves a fist in the face of Canadian winters.  Excellent for SoCal summers (and year round) as well. 

Tea - any kind of tea doesn't matter.

If I had to choose an absolute favorite it would be English Breakfast - any time of the day.  It just always tastes good and this love comes from the paternal grandparents and my dad.  I recall sipping from my grandpa's cup as a kid.  No cream, no sugar - straight tea.  Whether it be Darjeeling, Chai, Green - you name it I'm in -and always wanting to learn more.  Good for the wrinkles too!

Felicity.  Most well-written television program of all time.

I might not be in college anymore, but whenever I want to head back for a few life lessons I dig out the dvd's and get busy watching.  It's my happy place.  Thanks JJ Abrams.

Cats.  Best animals ever.  Low maintenance with a side of sass.

Here's my two favoritey-faves:  Monkey Boy and Sister Lil.  They are great company and two of the best cats I've ever had.  And I come from a long line of cat people.  meow!

Finally - my niece.

Look at that face!  Look at that outfit (that I totally bought for her - Splendid Kids and madras sneakers that she immediately put on when I took them out of the suitcase)!  I could go on and on and on about her.  I love my brother and she is his daughter.  When she calls and I hear her voice on the end of the line my heart goes soft and I feel like crying - happens every.single.time.  I just can't explain it.  She loves clothes, shoes, cats, books, cooking and baking - girlfriend can fry an egg over-easy at the age of 4 so long as she is being monitored by the stove it's all she needs.  I think she's wonderful - even when she's bossing me around and coercing me (just a little) to play camping, school and house all over her house for 17 out of 24 hours/day when I visit.

Oh! And Bernard Callebaut Chocolate - I am primarily a dark chocolate connoisseur, but I'll take anything Bernard's got.

This is a picture of chocolate-mecca-wonderland-fantabulosity's headquarters.  I manage to consume insane amounts of these handmade treasures on every trip I take back to Canada.  Aside from my family, this chocolate is the thing I miss most about home.  And they do have a store in Portland that ships if you're having a bad day...or just want to bake some extraordinary chocolate chunk cookies.  Just sayin'

I'd like to pass this on to some of my new blog friends (and any others who might feel like sharing their favs with us - it's 1 in the morning and I don't want to forget anyone!):

-She Wore It Well - because we need an overseas point of view, too!  (Lou, how about you too?)
-Bringing Pretty Back
-Red Vines for Breakfast
-Kendall K.

No pressure here - anyone who does participate - please let me know in case I'm swamped at work.  I don't want to miss hearing your thoughts...or feel free to share them in the comments here as well :)
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