Jessica with her cavalcade of captions:
Certhia americana [editor's note: this is the Latin name for brown creeper]
Wow. I could be birding, but instead I’m looking at some dude’s butt.
Monitoring the nest wasn’t the same after the restraining order…
Using a combination of drab plumage, shiny objects and ground display, Bill attempts to lure female birders.
After successfully avoiding warbler neck, another unsuspecting birder falls victim to grouse gut.
AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION'S DIAGNOSTIC AND STATISTICAL MANUAL Figure 2.2: An inverse relationship exists between the rarity of a bird and the decorum of the watcher.
And these were big hits with the judging crew:
Erik (always in the running it seems) said...:
After reviewing his photos, Bill realized wicking fabrics were not the best choice for the Bird Boxers.
cyberthrush said...
In their first-ever trial-run the brand new Depends-For-Birders failed to live up to their advanced 'billing.'
Julie Zickefoose said....
As the Palawan Peacock-pheasant rewarded a six-hour stakeout by finally striding into view, Bill overwhelmed his astronaut's diaper.
spencer said...
"Birder falls on face just short of finish line" ;)
Idaho Birder said...
Yes, as a matter of fact, I did sit on my McGriddle breakfast sandwiches.
Janet Creamer said...
Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground...
Congrats to Jessica! She wins a signed and numbered BWD cover print of her choice. [Jessica, if you're out there, send me a message with your print choice and contact info to editor-AT-birdwatchersdigest.com.] You can view a gallery of our limited edition prints here.
Thanks to all of you for your participation. This contest's captions seemed especially clever!