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Fat Burning Breakfast Options: Banana-Quinoa Muffins & More

There is nothing quite so glorious as quiet time in the morning accompanied by a good breakfast and hot cup of tea.  As much as I am inclined to skip it, I know from a lot of reading that breakfast is the most crucial meal of the day.  It fuels us, boosts our metabolism and enables us to sail through until noon.

 Banana-Quinoa Muffin (with choc chip or 2) & Green Tea 
(in my favorite smarmy cup)

Last week I mentioned my renewed vigor for eating right and getting back on the workout wagon.  So far so good.  First thing in the morning I try to head out for a brisk 2 mile walk, come back and eat something smart aka not a chocolate bar that makes me want to go back to bed instead of to work.  My focus has been incorporating as many fat burning foods into my diet as possible, while still eating things I like and occasionally indulging.  All things in moderation is a fine motto when it comes to getting and staying in shape.  One of my quicker breakfast options that doubles as a snack is Banana-Quinoa Muffins. (oh the irony-losing the muffin top by eating a muffin).  Notice that the ripe bananas knock out the need for sugar (yay!) and the only other sweetening additive is 2T of honey.

Banana-Quinoa Muffins (Gluten-Free)
1/2 cup  Quinoa Flour
1/2 cup  Quinoa Flakes
2 Tbsp   Honey
2 tsp     Baking powder
1 tsp      Baking soda
1/2 tsp   Salt
2           Very Ripe Bananas
2           Eggs

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix flour and flakes with dry ingredients. In separate bowl mix together bananas, eggs and honey, add to dry ingredients. Pour into greased muffin tins. Bake 20-25 minutes at 350 degrees. Note: fill muffin tins 1/2 full.

Quinoa is a seed that is high in protein, gluten-free and from the same family as beets and spinach.  I opt to bake with the flour and flakes as often as possible because they are high in protein and fiber - keys to burning fat - as well as in antioxidants and B vitamins. You can find other great recipes (including the muffins) on the Ancient Harvest website.  

I wanted to share some other great fat burning breakfasts to keep you moving through the week.  Feel free to sub them whenever necessary throughout the day.  Ixnay on the french fries.  Ixnay!
  • If you aren't gluten intolerant, I highly recommend eating oats for breakfast.  Super high in fiber and protein, they'll fill you up and get your metabolism going.  Mix in some fruit and/or yogurt and you're good to go.  When I could still eat wheat and grains, I'd sometimes switch them for Cheerios without sugar too.  Yum!   And if you're a warm cereal eater...heat up those oats and you're all set.
  • Quinoa is a great substitute for oats - you can do all the same things without the gluten.  For added variety try eating with an apple, some berries or a portion of pink grapefruit.  Keeps the meal interesting and rounds out the food groups, too.
  • Egg eaters:  omelettes are an excellent way to go if you have a minute to whip one up.  Doesn't have to be fancy, either.  Eggs are high in protein so they stimulate your metabolism.  Just use the whites for a healthier alternative and in each case toss in some veggies to maximize the healthy factor.
  • Low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese + a side of fruit.  It is crucial to meet your daily calcium intake requirement so your body will burn fat instead of storing it.  Yogurt or cottage cheese in proper quantities will definitely assist with this.  I have a tough time eating either of these plain, so usually eat alongside a piece of melon, grapefruit (citrus is perfect right now), or a crispy crab apple.
  • Green tea - no matter what I'm eating for breakfast I always try to have a cup of green tea with it.  I've mentioned many of tea's benefits before, but my fave about green tea is its fat burning quality.  If I'm going to be working out I want my body to be fueled properly and provided with all the benefits it can have to assist it.
  • Here's an interesting note I found on bananas (the part about unripened bananas caught my attention because it's one of my go-to snacks and something my body will crave on occasion - this one is interesting, too)
I hope this post keeps you motivated to stay on the fitness anyone still on this thing with me?  What are your healthy breakfast options?  To be honest I eat several of these as snacks throughout the day, and have been known to have an omelette for dinner every now and then, too.  Whatever it takes to stay motivated and interested in eating healthy vs. chips, chocolate bars and sour gummy worms.  I've got issues. , ,