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Lunatic Fringe

A few weeks ago you may recall the lament over my existential closet crisis that then spurred on a hippie phase.  You probably noticed the hippie phase lasted approximately one blog post because I realized my hippie clothes were all packed away from the summer we never had (and ps it was 43 degrees with the wind chill at 4pm yesterday!! WHAT?!?).  The realization that I possess zero winter hippie attire - and am not even sure what that would consist of - led me to a foreign land I've spoken of, but never before braved due to sheer fear of looking like a deer in the headlights:  Vintage. 

To reiterate:  I have roughly zero ideas about vintage.  When she was in LA, Anna Jane and I had a deep conversation over lemonades regarding vintage, the summary of which was this:  "I think it's old crap" (figuratively speaking only, of course, because there is some majorly good old crap out there).  It could be a year old, 15 years old, someone's grandma's old thing, or maybe something new that has been run over by a car 140x so that it looks old and you can just be told it is and fall for it.  Anyway I wanted some legit old thing that looked like it came out of the maryjane tents at Woodstock or fell out of the back of an old turquoise VW Van like the one my favorite boss ever bought and restored for his hippie-esque daughter on her 16th birthday.

So off I headed to the internets (too scared to go to a store:  then I read Carey's account and realized major pain brings major gain) and after 2 days of searching off and on - during which time I almost gave up 700x - I found a treasure and placed a little bid to get the waters stirring.  And then I had to wait 3 days and come down to a bidding war in the last 30 seconds during which time I almost lost my one shot at winter hippieville to someone with an eBay handle of "backupoffit".  Famous last words to that person.  Sowee!

{wherever she is you know Pocahontas wants a piece of this}
 Fringe hem that hits the top of the boots with a swish when I walk...
the ladies at Sprouts were all a-swoon.  I wish I had some advice.
"Uh, eBay?"  met by blank.stare.
 I can't lie - I love it.  There wasn't an arm pit stain, a weird scent,
or a loose thread.  Check out the side slit!! If it was warmer outside
I'd have it on over ripped denim cut-offs and moccasins.
All I need is my trapper hat and some knee-high Minnetonkas and I'm set!
PANYC and Motif56 Bracelets, Brandy&Melville Fringe Bag, Banana Republic Suede Boots
Temperature: 43 degrees, Fringed Tunic:  VINTAGE!, Denim:  M+O (RIP),

If there were more hours in the day I'd be eyes glazed over staring at eBay, but I'm still working on "ward off muffin top 2010".  As well as work, clean the place up, do a load of laundry, read a book, finish watching the first Harry Potter movie and all the others before the weekend so I can take part in what is certainly going to go down as an iconic moment in pop-culture history (can you say late bloomer? and 'i've robbed myself?')...and then there's the Christmas/Holiday shopping.  *panic*

Is it Wednesday afternoon yet?  I taste caramel pumpkin tart.  
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