However, first I must have an impromptu Kum Bah Yah festival and say I freaking love the readers of this blog. And I'm not saying it to kiss butt, I seriously mean it. So many times I'll be having a less than stellar moment and then read a comment or check email, and someone will make me roll with laughter or say something so nice it turns my mood around entirely. High five to internet friends!! (and to me being a big ol' hypocrite - as evidenced here and here as well - I used to guffaw at peeps who met peeps on the internet and am now happily gnawing on a foot sandwich. my own foot and no one else's thank you very much because i am terrified of feet).
"seeing a mary kay pink cadillac is seriously on par with sighting a unicorn--I wanna see one!!"In a spontaneous fit of laughter I spit water all over the computer screen and hung off the chair gripping my sides. Then proceeded to re-read, rinse and repeat. It really doesn't get any better than this!!
"I hope your eating the hell out of that banana cream..something has to make up for being back at work"Mmmmkay? Kindred spirits or what? Somehow I managed to keep the pie in my mouth, but only because I was entirely miserable that the weekend was over and I STILL hadn't seen each and every Harry Potter meaning I STILL can't go to the theatre for what will inevitably go down as a crowning iconic moment in pop culture history. By the time I get there it'll be on some wanky little screen at the dollar theatre!! Weak sauce! See what I mean?? The girl is hilarious.
And never mind how excited I am that Anna Jane got her dress this weekend, Carey's been wearing the sickest outfits lately, Katie's got 7000 ornaments on her tree, Valerie's getting geared up to rip around the skating rink to kick off Holiday season 2010, and Josie's almost done with her semester even though I think I've got the poor girl so hooked on Felicity she may have to be pried from her dorm room n order to make it to exams...Josie's parents? I apologize now. That Ben Covington - he'll steal your heart every time. Swoon! Gotta love my fellow Canadians!
Kum Bah Yah...lalalalalalalalala I love everyone until the bills come rolling in from Cyber Monday lalalalalalala
So while 'tis the season to exfoliate, I guess we can get to that in an upcoming post seeing as 'tis also the season to value your friends - internet ones included - and I didn't even get to rattle off an eighth of you...December here weeeeeee come! Link love