Blog Informasi Tentang Burung Ciblek dan Burung Kicauan Lokal

With Gratitude

{Table is ready!}

Kind of a late post today, but I thought I would take some quality time to help the Chef get ready for Thanksgiving, and just lounge around enjoying snacks and relaxing.  In the past week I've had some time to think about the many blessings in my life like: 
  • A roof over my head
  • Clothes on my back
  • A refrigerator filled with food
  • Access to clean water
  • Family and friends that love and support me
  • A boyfriend that, truth be told, puts up with a lot from me (thanks Chef!)
  • A job that lets me work from home
  • 2 super cats (meow!)
  • Good health
  • Common sense 
  • A sound mind
I could go on, but these are the things that immediately come to mind as everyday blessings that I sometimes take for granted.  The sound mind one really hit home yesterday in Santa Monica after I had a lengthy conversation with someone who was clear out of his mind.  It was very sad and as I walked away I was so thankful for the ability to think straight and keep it together (even though half the time I feel like I might be losing it).    How is it that the things we are so accustomed to having daily are the things we overlook the most? 

On that, er, happy note I want to wish everyone here in the United States a very Happy Thanksgiving!! And to everyone else who might pop by in the meantime - Happy Weekend!! (in the event I go into a food & movie watching coma and don't resurface until Monday.  slight possibility)