It's been 80 degrees for 3 days and I can only say Mother Nature must be feeling very, very sorry for that deep freeze of a summer last year. I swear we didn't see more than 4 or 5 truly nice days
(as evidenced here, here and here). As a result I do believe I may have lost me mind just a tad bit- getting up prior to 10am two days in a row, out of the house from sun up 'til sundown, and not even so much as washing my hair much less combing it
(hipsters are actually smiling at me as we cross paths...i've crossed into the hipster acceptability zone!!). Here are just some of the wonderfully warm things we've seen this weekend.
and last, but most definitely not least...
Ridiculous red pony hair coat at the flea market
- and by ridiculous I mean amazing (but not my size-wah).
Tomorrow morning I might just get up and go to the beach when the Chef goes surfing. And
you might just hear shrieks of terror akin to a bat seeing the sun...those will be coming from my white legs.
Happy Monday everyone!
July-like weather in January 2011