Blog Informasi Tentang Burung Ciblek dan Burung Kicauan Lokal

Coming Up Neutral

With spring around the corner - or at times it feels like 10 corners thanks to rain appearing yet again tonight - I find myself thinking about what's to come and how to freshen up my closet.  Does anyone else feel like heaving a bunch out and starting new? There is something about this time of year where days seem to drag by holding the next season just out of reach.  Spring?  I'll sure be glad when you get here.

Life would be so easy if only I could just toss everything into a crate at the end of each season and purchase a whole new line-up for what was coming next.  But the reality is it's not that easy, so I have to spend time thinking about what trends are on the horizon, what I already own that can be incorporated and what the budget will allow for additions here and there.  Ahhhh the life of an adult with bills.  Bills.  What a dirty word.  Tonight I spent some time looking over another one of my faves - Chloe - and the Spring 2011 RTW images.  Clearly neutrals are going to be big in the months ahead, so here are just some of the things that caught my attention and got me excited to start clearing space in the closet.

Nude ballet flats and sheer skirts.
High waisted leather shorts and wrap blouses.
(and skinny legs, but at the rate I'm going...)
Sleek lines and stark contrasts - there's that red again.
Slimming tops inside flowing pleated skirts.
Dual purpose here - look at the open back on the top walking away -
how beautiful is that?? 
Now how about this leather top buttoned to the skirt? 
I love the lines on it - probably couldn't carry it off, but hats off to those who can.

I'm beyond thrilled that I picked up those faux leather high waist shorts at Aritzia in the fall (seen here).  They're most def going to be getting some more play time so that's great for my pocketbook.  One thing I've been looking at and holding off on is this skirt from Free People.  

It looks pretty darn sheer and that kind of freaks me out, but after looking at the Chloe show I'm feeling a little more convinced.  I mean can you just imagine this with a tucked in thin, fitted black t and a pair of J.Simpson black Dany's on foot? (both of which I already own btw - werk that closet!)  What do you think?  

Are any of you even thinking of coordinating for spring yet or are you still content with your winter wardrobes?  I could seriously use a boost to get me through...maybe I'll get some spring cleaning done this weekend.  Nah!  Who am I kidding?  Hope you have a great couple or few days off for those not working Monday!

Chloe images care of New York Magazine
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