You may be saying to yourself, "what is that woman doing with wings and beer on her blog?" The Chef's birthday is coming up next week and this is what he asked for. Actually he also asked for Domino's pizza and several other crazy food items reminding me of more reasons I appreciate this person. He's super talented at fancy shmancy food, but by no means a food snob - meaning Del Taco remains in our top five places at 2am. Can you say addicted?
Hopefully by the time Monday rolls around I will have pulled it off thanks to a handy list or 12. In the meantime I hope you have a grand weekend. I've got piles of work to get after in the kitchen so I'm cutting out and almost didn't post today, but due to the red alerts thought I'd let you know I'm still breathing - although I did come close to meeting my waterloo at Whole Foods this afternoon when the Brinks trunk almost ran me over. All I could think of was all the shoes that would be purchased with the settlement, should I make it out alive from beneath the wheels.
Priorities people, priorities.
I'm so glad this week is over.
Wait! Bright side, bright side!! I'm on Pinterest!! I'm gonna sit down and pin my brains out later this weekend - WOO HOO!!
Oh! And a special thank you to Katie for nominating me for the FBFF Blogger Awards over at Modly Chic in the "Real Deal (authenticity) category. I'm a what you see is what you get kind of person, so it really made my day to be nominated especially in that category. Mad hugs Katie!!
Death to Superficiality
It's Margarita Time