I have to say it's pretty cool how many of you are interested in the Chef's birthday recap. It's nice of you to want to share in the deets and I mean that sincerely. Meanwhile I'm over here thinking, "shiz they're gonna think we're a couple jammers with eating disorders." Last week he told his mom he wanted Domino's pizza for his birthday. He wasn't kidding. She was mortified. He told me he wanted wings and beer. Her face looked just a lit-tle pale. hehe
Apparently I was going to have to take matters into my own hands and bring birthday dreams to life. The guy likes food - any kind of food - he appreciates all of it. So on Friday night we had homestyle roasted chicken with brussel sprouts, carrots, and potatoes followed by the brownies (almost all of them). I spent Saturday marinating ribs while he decided that BJ's pizza was his target: think potato skins, stuffed mushrooms, calamari, and some sort of a million kinds of meat pizza that scared the hell out of me. Hey, it wasn't my birthday weekend. Followed by Black Swan, I was all kinds of crazy by the time I got home that night.
Cut to Sunday and it was Mexican food time once again. Oh yeah, we kicked this mother off on Thursday night with various margaritas, carnitas and shrimp tacos into the wee hours after having worked up an appetite at a James Perse shin dig. Sunday afternoon was a rinse and repeat of Thursday, followed by an evening extravaganza of Thai Ribs and Sesame Cilantro Rice (recipes to come) with double layer vanilla birthday cake complete with chocolate cream cheese frosting and sprinkles for dessert. Yes we're 5 years old. Are you still with me or have you exploded into a million pieces just thinking about it? I'm feeling woozy as I type.
By the time his actual birthday arrived on Monday I thought he might have abandoned the wings and beer. No dice. He was raring to go by noon. Examine the evidence.
~That sliver of face in the corner bears the look of satisfaction.~
Frenzied birthday hand dips hot as h wing into blue cheese.
I'm calling this the beginning of the end. For me anyway.
Cut to scene and you'll find me guzzling soft drinks.
Wing Etiquette 101: Remove all jewelry prior to consumption.
Keep beverages close at hand. And a pile of tissue. Always wear your leopard belt?
Frenzied birthday hand dips hot as h wing into blue cheese.
I'm calling this the beginning of the end. For me anyway.
Cut to scene and you'll find me guzzling soft drinks.
Wing Etiquette 101: Remove all jewelry prior to consumption.
Keep beverages close at hand. And a pile of tissue. Always wear your leopard belt?
Oh no it didn't end there. Shortly thereafter we found ourselves in LA drinking yummy cocktails into the late afternoon/evening while consuming fried goat cheese salad and crab in blood orange butter. And now I say to you fine people: I am on a fast.
Just in: It's official - the Chef's restaurant is just around The Corner. Pun completely intended. I'll keep you updated. Woo hoo!! Chef's Birthday Recap 2011 , I Need a Diet , Jillian Michaels is Going to Beat Me Down , Leopard Print Frames are on Wing Dive Walls , The Corner HB