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Fitness Giveaway

I'd like to tell you a wonderful story about how all my papers are in a row for today's tax appointment, but guess what?  You probably know where this is going...they're not.  Monday went like this:  work work work, talk to landlord, tax tax tax, show apartment, take 14 calls for work, let 5 more sit in the voicemail to show the apartment, tax tax, show the apartment while trying to mask terror of the possibility of 20lb dog and baby hanging off young girl's hip as potential neighbors, and so the day went on.

In the midst of all this it struck me while talking with a mentor of mine who first encouraged me to blog, but that I hadn't revealed the blog to just yet, that this thing is almost a year old.  I truly appreciate every person who takes the time to read my posts.  They're longer than most, not done with fancy camera techniques, and laced with crazy stories.  It's so nice to still see readers who have been with me since the very beginning and vice versa.  So in honor of the anniversary approaching I'll be doing some giveaways throughout the month as a big yahoo and show of appreciation.

As many of you know there is a group of us - about 20 or more now - working our way through Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred.  It has been a huge help (at least for me anyway) to have the support of this group encouraging me to keep going.  My right leg is throbbing as Level 2 Day 1 passed completion...I see change and am going to put that thing to bed if it takes me 45 days.  In honor of warm weather aka shorts season the first thing I want to give away is:

The more the merrier (or is that misery loves company?)
This thing works...the dvd not her, but she does too.  
I've done it once before after completing the Shred and was really happy 
with the results so want to share the love.
Especially seeing as I plan to do it after the Shred and am looking for commiseration partners.

Also included in this giveaway will be the DVD version of 
Pilates from the Inside Out by Karon Karter.

I started doing Pilates at home watching Karon on the Veria Channel.  At first I was all, "what the hell?  this isn't going to do anything". Famous last words yet again as 20 minutes later my legs and upper arms were on fire.  It is a total body workout that is so calming, yet completely sculpts the body.  It requires you to clear your mind and focus on your body, how it is moving and your position whether on the mat or standing up.  Pilates has taught me how vital it is to have a strong core of back and stomach muscles - and it eases my body tension when I do it alongside Jillian's workouts.  I'm really excited to share her with you...she doesn't call you buddy once.

*This giveaway will include one set of each DVD and is open to all readers. The entry period will run through 11:59pm PST Monday, April 11, 2011 and the winner (selected via random drawing) will be announced on Tuesday, April 12, 2011.

*For one entry:   this giveaway is open to anyone who reads my blog.  It's in honor of everyone who reads and follows along, so if you want to enter and aren't following make sure to sign up on the right and leave a comment including an email address where I can contact you if you win.  Easy as that.

*For additional entries:  you can blog or 
tweet about the giveawayand/or follow this free bird on facebook leaving a separate comment for each entry.  

Good luck everyone!  Even if you're not a big workout person - actually especially if you're not - I think these are great to have in your library because they're easy to do at home and yield results.  More to come in the upcoming weeks if this one's not for you.  Have a great Tuesday!

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