Even though it was a small move in distance, I still feel like it's a new day - Uh hello? I have a dishwasher now! - and want to make some changes in the new place. For some reason I've been captivated by the thought of using bright color which is so not me. My old space had dark wood floors, white white walls, and a mix of white, black, jute, grey and varying shades of navy. Kind of nautical meets Asian old world, if you will. Suddenly I'm feeling a need to recreate some sort of twist/combo of these:
The fabric only...not the yoga mat or exacto blade.
Of course blanket has to be mixed in somewhere...
and some crazy boho floor pillows I scored last week...although they may live on the deck.
It's an extravaganza of ethnicities up in this dojo so I have to streamline, streamline, streamline to create a plan. All I know for sure is white is a base - white furniture has always been a staple for me so that's where I'll start, but it could take awhile so no holding breath, okay? Um, is it Friday yet? - I'd really like to get at it in a non-guilty work zone.
And on a lighter note it was one year ago today that I started the ol' blog. It's hard to believe an entire year has gone by, but my life is so much richer for having met and interacted with all of you. No cheeseballs over here either - I totally mean it. I've had gut busting laughs with most of you, shed tears with some of you when Lisa passed away, strengthened my wardrobe, and attempted although not quite completed the 30 Day Shred with others (Day 7 Level 2 complete!), and gathered so much info by reading your blogs and sharing your lives. Thanks for sticking with me and reading along. Mine is certainly not a conventional fashion/lifestyle blog, but it's a genuine attempt at keeping it real
Boho Apartment Dreams , Interior Inspiration , One Year Later