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The Corner Restaurant - Update

I'm just going to begin by outing myself:  on Wednesday night after 30 Day Shredding I went to Sonic, ate a Chicago dog, 3/4 of a New York dog, two onion rings and half of a small unsweetened peach iced tea.  It was bloody good and I deserved it seeing as almost every day this week has been a living hell of saw noise beginning at 7am.  Last evening I took a spin over to the Chef's restaurant to eyeball progress (read:  make sure no one had snatched my Asian artifacts) and somehow ended up with a margarita in front of me at our favorite Mexican restaurant not long after.  A preview of Friday, if you will.  Next up:  Days 9 and 10 of the Shred done in one day to stay on track.

Hopefully on Monday I will have some sort of positive living situation scenario to report.  A girl can dream. In the meantime here's a little picture preview of what's going on with construction at The Corner (if you're interested follow me on facebook where I'll be posting more pics).  It's a hot mess, but has come so far in just a week.

Here's one of the Chef and my dad in front of the restaurant a few weeks ago...
so homesick right now and wish I could go home for the weekend.
Anyway.  Examine the roof.
And here's what the roof looked like last night at 7 o'clock.  Crazy, huh?
Now remember last week's post showed the booths.
Welp, sayonara ripped vinyl booths.
Here's a quick picture of bar status.
So happy he's decided to keep this hand-painted geisha (- lovely woman?) on the ceiling in the bar.
I think the community will appreciate it seeing as the restaurant has been such a landmark.
The picture doesn't do it justice - poor lighting and not a fancy camera,
but I'll get better ones of her along way.
You had to know it was only a matter of time before I made myself at home.
Here's hoping a little of this splashes your way this weekend.

Thanks so much for hanging in there with me this week.  It was a wild one with work, working at home, the construction and all the stress from dealing with the landlord over moving upstairs or not.  I'm sparing a lot of the dirty details, but let's just say it was not pleasant and my nerves are shot.  I could barely find time to think much less visit your blogs.  sigh  Here's to getting this situation resolved and either moving or staying put for now.  In the meantime I have to get my taxes together to meet with my accountant next week.  So much for that relaxing weekend.  What are you guys up to?

Note:  Not sure it's a geisha per se...only trying to describe. Thanks anonymous.