I am super excited to offer this Perricone skin care giveaway to all of you - the winner will get to select one item of $150 or less. Bring.it.on. Ever since I started blogging last year I've entered these Perricone giveaways to no avail. The irony in all of this is I literally, just today as I'm typing this up, learned I finally won one!! So it's even more fun to see what one of you might choose when you win. I've been perusing products trying to figure out what to get and a couple caught my eye. Anyone try either of these yet?
The Detox Elixir (sounds magical!) containing sulforaphane (not to be confused with profane) got my attention because it's a hydrating mist you can lightly spray throughout the day for a glow. Now I don't know about you, but I'm all about a healthy glow that doesn't come purely from the sun's rays. As much as I love that warmth from the sun I do not love the idea of premature fine lines and wrinkles, so this one could be a great solution.
The area around my eyes is one I give special attention to. I've managed to avoid crow's feet for many years, and fully intend to ward them off as long as possible. Anything to aid in this battle is welcome in my daily routine. Enter Bright Eyed: it contains antioxidant melon fruit benefits to keep your eye area firm and bright. Side note: could have seriously used this every day this week thus far as 'bags under eyes central' have taken up residence. Not pretty.
Giveaway Details:
*One winner will be chosen at random to receive one Perricone product valued at $150 or less.
1.This giveaway is open to US and Canadian readers (sorry International peeps - will have something for you soon!) so just make sure you're signed up to follow on the upper right and then leave a comment sharing which Perricone product valued at $150 or less you would want or need and why.
2. For an extra entry or two tweet about this giveaway and/or follow this free bird on facebook.
3. Winner will be announced on Thursday, June 9, 2011.
Good luck everyone!
Perricone Giveaway