Blog Informasi Tentang Burung Ciblek dan Burung Kicauan Lokal

Caption Contest #18 Winner!

It's time to announce the winner of the Bill of the Birds Caption Contest #18. You can see the original post for Contest #18 here.

Congratulations to
Robert Mortensen from the Birding is Fun blog for his winning caption which is:

On the eve of their nuptials, Prince William and Kate Middleton kissed and they both turned into toads. A very public couple, regrettably with no modicum of privacy, British paparazzi photographed them consummating the marriage.

He also chimed in with this one:

The minister said not to do this before marriage or we'd get warts. I guess he was right!

Robert wins a $20 gift certificate from the BWD Nature Store.

Some other great chuckles were generated by these contributors:

Face said...

Ribbit to me one more time, once is never enough for a frog like you...

tommyart said...

I knew we should of done this back at my pad.

CNemes said...

Not tonight, dear, I've got a frog in my throat.

pambirds said...

“It’s okay Trudy, no one will see us – they’re all looking up for the warblers.”

Thanks to everyone for playing!

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