Blog Informasi Tentang Burung Ciblek dan Burung Kicauan Lokal

Do You Believe in Magic?

There I was:  all dressed up and nowhere to go aka on my way to get more Ben & Jerry's Boston Cream Pie ice cream groceries when I found myself in the most random of random neighborhoods.  You know, the one 10 blocks from my house that I've never ventured into because I work from home and barely leave the house except on weekends? Anyway suddenly I could barely contain the 70's fever of it all.  Shaun Cassidy and K.C. and the Sunshine Band came out on blast through the speakers as I drove up and down the block super slow to see if anything, anything was for sale.  In my mind I packed my stuff, grabbed a disco ball and went back in time.  Long wavy hair, high-waisted wide leg denim for days, big ol' platform shoes, billowy maxi skirts, culottes with blouses tied at the waist, arms piled high with bangles, a patchwork suede handbag, dreams of the huge afro I'll never have -- and neighbors that are actually neighborly.

When I think summer in the 70's my mind floods with images of a home with a big cream colored stone fireplace and a rainbow VW bus parked in the driveway, block parties, kids on skateboards playing in the streets while sprinklers wave in the breeze, parents on front lawns drinking Pilsener from cans while charcoal bbq's send smoke plumes into the warm air.  Hot damn if I haven't found my ideal block and house.  I wonder if the neighbors are included in this transaction? A girl can dream...
Complete with Corvette
Note:  Tabletop BBQ next to crazy plastic lawn chair in back.
FP bag (seen here) + H&M Caftan + Wide Leg Denim + Infamous Danys
Quite possibly my fave pic of all time.  Looks like it came straight out of the 
parents' old photo albums.
See what I mean?  Uncanny -- from my mind to my neighborhood. 
Look for me driving by 3x/week to see if they're moving out yet.

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