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Finding Your Thing & A Restaurant Update

On Saturday morning I awoke to what sounded like the deck being removed outside my bedroom window.  Oh, I should mention it was 8:00.  Who does this?  My landlord that's who.  If you follow me on twitter or are a regular reader of this blog you know he is chock full of surprises that range from inconvenient to, okay, more inconvenient.  Let's all pause and remember the wet saw activity of a couple months ago.  Better yet let's not.  Anyway, there I was all dazed and confused thinking it was the middle of the week when it struck me:  it's bloody Saturday (not to be confused with Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2 sorry I couldn't resist)--the one day I have to truly sleep in.  Thanks landlord!

I pulled the covers over my head and tried to drown out the noise.  No dice.  By then it was mariachi madness minus the margaritas.  They were full swing singing away outside and it was a lost cause.  As I laid there in bed trying not to light on fire with frustration and exhaustion, a ladder went up outside the window and a man went climbing by pausing to look in and give me a wave.

Oh yes he did.  'Time to exit,' I said to myself.

Hopping up I quickly went to the closet, pulled out what appeared to be the makings of an outfit and ran into the bathroom to toss cold water on my face.  Where do you go on Saturday morning when all you want to do is sleep?  The Chef's restaurant.  Okay it was the only place I could think of where I could lay down.  While there I grabbed some pictures to show you how it's coming along.  I also seriously contemplated drinking 85 bottles of wine.

Sign's up.  Looking kinda snazzy.
Yellow's gotta go.  Designer's working on an alternate plan. 
Fine in theory--too much in reality.
Design people pipe up with ideas on that wall.  He's open to suggestions.
A couple weeks ago it was this.  
Remember when it was THIS?? Holy mother of night and day or what, huh?
But now it's this!  The transformation is really pretty crazy.
And yes the picture quality is whack.  
I guess that's what you get when you're up before the early bird.
The other side of the wall is the redone bar area.  Truth:  my fave room.
Sad fact:  spotted the cream colored barstools last night on the Bachelorette. 
Ahhhhhh yes.  I found a keeper.  Prepare for greatness:
It's a sign.  There's one called The Birdman, too!! 
I'm starting to think dressing on the fly is my forte. 
10 second outfit.  Realization:  I need more flats.
ps-do you love the wood beams?  I love the wood beams!

Anyway.  That was picture onslaught 2011.  It's a pretty exciting time for The Chef.  His dream is coming true.  Sounds cheesy, but it really is true and that is a fun thing to witness.

You know something that's surfaced in this restaurant process?  Watching someone close to me fulfill a dream that meets their natural talent and ability has left me once again wondering what my thing is. If we're all born to do something, and I believe we are, what is my thing?  I'm an Executive Recruiter and I'm good at it, but is it my sole thing?  I don't think so or wouldn't I know it?  Do you ever find yourself wondering this?  It's the old what am I supposed to be when I grow up question.  Problem is what if you're technically somewhat grown up and you still don't know?  Maybe I'm not grown up (okay I'm gonna ride that wagon around for awhile).  Do you know what your something is?  

Oh, you can also check out the menu at The Corner HB -- he's hoping to be open on the 15th.  Good night Irene that's a week away!  Will keep you updated...
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