Sorry for the downer posts this week. Truth is -- every once in awhile how can you avoid it? I guess I could lie and jump on the good ship lollipop, but I don't do fake very well so it would probably fall flat anyway.
Let's get to part two of this saga. Bear in mind it all took place within the span of a few hours, so here we go.
Shortly after Pat told me her news, there I was glued to the couch in a state of shock when the loudest heavy metal guitars started up next door. The doors and windows rattled as some fool tried to rap along to it. Death metal + rap = bleeding ears. In an instinctive act of fury I threw a t-shirt over that same electric blue tank and sweats and stormed down the stairs -- without shoes or socks -- and over into Pat's yard noticing her neighbor's doors flung wide open in total disregard for her state of being.
"Hey! HEY! Do you guys know Pat's sick?!?" Suddenly I realized I was standing in a stranger's living room. A drug smoking crazy person to be exact, but I was so furious in that moment I didn't even care.
And did they know Pat was sick? Yes they did--admitting it like it was no big deal. They paused temporarily and didn't skip a beat as one asked, "Are you new here?" but in more of a 'you must be new here and are about to learn I do whatever I want" tone. Oh hell no you don't. It was right around this time that the wheels flew off the carrie bus. Imagine 5'3'' woman in outfit akin to pajamas minus shoes and socks with hair sticking out everywhere wildly waving arms around yelling/hissing, "I've lived right over that fence for 10 years you idiot! And I've put up with you for one, but not anymore. Pat's operation is tomorrow and you're going to knock it off RIGHT NOW!" Then another pipes up, "Did she send you here?".....Take a moment and absorb. Did she send you here? Um. What?! I had an out of body and could see myself go off. I ripped a hole so big one scurried off and another tried to tell ME to bring it down a decibel. Zip it. Pot meet kettle. I don't think so. This scenario brought out the blind fury of dealing with one too many selfish people within a span of days.
Let's get to part two of this saga. Bear in mind it all took place within the span of a few hours, so here we go.
Shortly after Pat told me her news, there I was glued to the couch in a state of shock when the loudest heavy metal guitars started up next door. The doors and windows rattled as some fool tried to rap along to it. Death metal + rap = bleeding ears. In an instinctive act of fury I threw a t-shirt over that same electric blue tank and sweats and stormed down the stairs -- without shoes or socks -- and over into Pat's yard noticing her neighbor's doors flung wide open in total disregard for her state of being.
"Hey! HEY! Do you guys know Pat's sick?!?" Suddenly I realized I was standing in a stranger's living room. A drug smoking crazy person to be exact, but I was so furious in that moment I didn't even care.
And did they know Pat was sick? Yes they did--admitting it like it was no big deal. They paused temporarily and didn't skip a beat as one asked, "Are you new here?" but in more of a 'you must be new here and are about to learn I do whatever I want" tone. Oh hell no you don't. It was right around this time that the wheels flew off the carrie bus. Imagine 5'3'' woman in outfit akin to pajamas minus shoes and socks with hair sticking out everywhere wildly waving arms around yelling/hissing, "I've lived right over that fence for 10 years you idiot! And I've put up with you for one, but not anymore. Pat's operation is tomorrow and you're going to knock it off RIGHT NOW!" Then another pipes up, "Did she send you here?".....Take a moment and absorb. Did she send you here? Um. What?! I had an out of body and could see myself go off. I ripped a hole so big one scurried off and another tried to tell ME to bring it down a decibel. Zip it. Pot meet kettle. I don't think so. This scenario brought out the blind fury of dealing with one too many selfish people within a span of days.
When the last one standing reached to take a guzzle of his beer I could feel myself on the verge of completely snapping so turned on my heel and stomped off, back to my own yard, bare feet pounding up the stairs just in time to hear him mumble something beneath his breath. I'm glad I didn't hear what it was because in that moment I may have leapt over the fence and tackled him to the ground. Of course moments later I was terrified, but in that moment not so much.
Next thing I knew these imbeciles were at Pat's house knocking on her door asking if she minded the noise...I'm not kidding. 30 year old morons. This is your brain on drugs. I heard her ask them to please stop and leave, which thankfully they did. Nerves at an all time level of shot I quickly got ready and headed to a barbecue before they could chase me down. Without even realizing it I donned the most ironic outfit: a mix of favorites to make me feel safe and secure while expressing "do not mess with me". It caught me by surprise when I was weeding through the pictures today. Wild, wild, wild: the internal expressed by the external. Sometimes we are what we wear. Wish I had a lion head to put on. A fake one, of course.
Brandy and Melville
Free People
Taking Back the Neighborhood
Technicolor Dreamcoat
~Tank Farm T-Shirt, Odille Maxi, Free People-Belt and Technicolor Dreamcoat (seen here),
Brandy and Melville-Fringe Bag, Anthro Sunnies~
Yes...the t-shirt does say Raised by Wolves.
Ironic that this is what I wore, no?
I threw it on in a frenzy and ran out the door before they could whack me.
Wolves move in packs...They are bound by ties of affection; as a result of daily interaction they become interdependent on one another in terms of security, safety, shelter, food and social affection. (via charsiewpao)
~Moments earlier I relayed the story to the Chef. Still on somewhat of an adrenaline rush I believe the
story went something like, "Oh hell no that fool did not just ask me if I was new!!"
Without even realizing it I threw on piles and piles of fringe aka safety blanket.
And, of course, the original safety blanket my technicolor dreamcoat...+ fave new flea market vintage 50's Navajo Dancing ring (on the left) + Free People ring on the right.
I may or may not have worn a version of this every day since.
May things go back to normal soon.
Yes...the t-shirt does say Raised by Wolves.
Ironic that this is what I wore, no?
I threw it on in a frenzy and ran out the door before they could whack me.
Wolves move in packs...They are bound by ties of affection; as a result of daily interaction they become interdependent on one another in terms of security, safety, shelter, food and social affection. (via charsiewpao)
~Moments earlier I relayed the story to the Chef. Still on somewhat of an adrenaline rush I believe the
story went something like, "Oh hell no that fool did not just ask me if I was new!!"
Without even realizing it I threw on piles and piles of fringe aka safety blanket.
And, of course, the original safety blanket my technicolor dreamcoat...+ fave new flea market vintage 50's Navajo Dancing ring (on the left) + Free People ring on the right.
I may or may not have worn a version of this every day since.
May things go back to normal soon.
I don't know about you, but I'm so glad we're this close to Friday. I need a massive nap. Will let you know just as soon as I hear anything about Pat. I noticed their lights on tonight, but wanted to let her get settled in before going over. Thanks so much for all of your kind words, thoughts and prayers. xoxo
*Update: Pat just texted me "All went well!! Needless 2 say am thrilled, but plz keep me in ur thoughts n prayers :)"
Wooohoooo!!! Will visit her after work and keep you updated. Thank you everyone!!
*Update: Pat just texted me "All went well!! Needless 2 say am thrilled, but plz keep me in ur thoughts n prayers :)"
Wooohoooo!!! Will visit her after work and keep you updated. Thank you everyone!!