Blog Informasi Tentang Burung Ciblek dan Burung Kicauan Lokal

All The Cool Kids Are Doing It

I never really gave a rat's a** what the cool kids were doing. Even back in the day (aging myself now for sure) it wasn't something that crossed my mind.  Some girls were obsessing about weight, others what the 'it' thing was to wear, who was dating what boy...I was the odd one out wondering if they were serious or just trying to get attention.

Cut to scene and here I am with a 3 year old blackberry--first smart phone I've ever had and one I didn't exactly want if you want to know the truth.  I recall finishing a pretty crazy hike with my friend and her Rottweiler in Lake Louise.  First time off I'd had in 4 years.  And my damn blackberry (the one 'they' made me get before authorizing the vacation in the first place) rang for the first time ever with a client begging me to cut my vacation short.  Right then and there all my worst fears came true:  I can never get away from them, truly be alone with my thoughts and disconnect entirely.  In that moment I realized there was no turning back:  I'd fallen for the bait and would now pay for it indefinitely.

This week the rollerball snapped right out of my blackberry and I've been carrying it around like a serving tray so as to continue use.  My contract's up in a month and I can opt out without a fee...except then I lost the rollerball entirely causing me to defect to the dark side and get an iPhone.  Yesterday I pulled it out for the first time and entered the world of the cool kids aka Instagram. Now I want to take pictures of everything.  My sock, the kitchen sink, that spider crawling on the outside of the screen.

I still don't want to answer the phone, see my email, or be pursued relentlessly.  Just take random photos of whatever crosses my path.  This is going to be a recipe for disaster...mark my words.  But for the record?  I don't feel any cooler.  I'm still, happily, just me.

Newest obsession: Dove chocolate bars with almonds aka breakfast at the bird.
Newest flea market find.  
Brace yourselves for pure vintage 70's.
Bar at the Chef's digs.
Midnight snack. 
Oh who am I kidding?  Anytime snack.
Shower Curtain aka Serenity Now
The thing that will best be known as 'buzz on a popsicle stick'
once this weekend is over.

Follow me on Instagram!  I want to know if you're on there and will follow you back.  This app is fascinating--the idea of getting to know someone through the pictures they take (not necessarily of themselves) has piqued my curiosity.  Snap away friends.  Or is that click?

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