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Limoncello Lemonade

aka Heaven on Earth

Yesterday, after having peeled into the restaurant for a quick *sarcasm* round of cocktail sampling, I found myself in the midst of a wine tasting extravaganza (post to follow) that lasted approximately 5 hours.  Suffice it to say I left home in the early afternoon and returned well after dark.  Oh the stories that get tossed around during Happy Hour.  Who knew?

I've led such a sheltered life.

Just in time for the weekend the Chef mixed up one of his newer cocktails to hit the menu.  This is, by far and away, the best adult lemonade I've had yet---and I'm an adult lemonade connoisseur.  I even have a lemon rind crown around here somewhere...  For those of you not within commuting distance to the restaurant I present the recipe and implore you to shake one or two of these up for yourselves in the very near future.  Tweet me when you do and let's do a 'Cheers!' over the internets.

2 oz.    Tito's Vodka (substitute your favorite if Tito's is not on hand)
3/4 oz. Caravella Limoncello
1 oz.    simple syrup
7/8 oz. fresh squeezed lemon juice
4-5       mint leaves

Drop mint in the bottom of a cocktail shaker and cover with ice.  Add remaining ingredients and shake vigorously.  Pour into rocks glass and garnish with a lemon wheel.

It really is as simple as that.  If you love lemonade you will be over the moon for this one.  And now I must be off.  Seeing as approximately zero got accomplished yesterday I've got an exciting *yawn* day of work and laundry ahead of me.  Good thing I've got the cocktail shaker on hand.  Have a great weekend!