Blog Informasi Tentang Burung Ciblek dan Burung Kicauan Lokal

The Ultimate Escape

This weekend may have gone down as a massive fail on the blogger front due to approximately zero photos taken, unless you count the instagram of the pumpkin pie sliders taken in the wee hours Sunday morning, but in every other way it was a total win.  We hauled it to Laguna on Thanksgiving for dinner at the Chef's uncle's place where we listened to crazy stories, ate and drank... until I had to get cut off after spilling water all over the table upon hearing how the uncle used to work at a burger joint in his teens where they snotted in the burgers of particularly rude customers.  The next time you hear a burger employee holler, 'we need a SPECIAL' I highly recommend you immediately vacate the building and find another establishment.

I purchased zipola on Black Friday (victory!) and didn't even get out of bed until 5pm as a result of sleeping, Felicity marathon, Lord of the Rings extravaganza and more sleeping.  Did you hear about the mayhem that ensued at a Walmart here in SoCal?  Some lunatic woman pepper sprayed herself a path to the Xboxes leaving 20 sets of burning eyes in her wake.  Really lady? Really?? And people wonder why I refuse to leave the house.  There's something about Black Friday that has become so distasteful.  People camping out 5 days in advance, stampeding each other for crap they don't need and consuming en masse.  It's kind of gross.

The rest of the weekend went by in a blur of Elf, more Felicity, visits with friends, a closet purge and lazing about on the couch for hours on end.  Somewhere in there I finally managed to leave the house for margaritas and a mini dance-off, but that was it.  Yesterday when tossing out the Bed Bath and Beyond catalog I noticed something I might actually feel like buying:

If I had a Wii this inflatable car might be set up in my living room right now.
Given the hysteria taking place in stores over the next 30 days, however, I will be remaining at home in a mace-free zone, eyeballs and hair safely in my head.  

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Did you take your life into your own hands on Black Friday?  I want the mad details.