I purchased zipola on Black Friday (victory!) and didn't even get out of bed until 5pm as a result of sleeping, Felicity marathon, Lord of the Rings extravaganza and more sleeping. Did you hear about the mayhem that ensued at a Walmart here in SoCal? Some lunatic woman pepper sprayed herself a path to the Xboxes leaving 20 sets of burning eyes in her wake. Really lady? Really?? And people wonder why I refuse to leave the house. There's something about Black Friday that has become so distasteful. People camping out 5 days in advance, stampeding each other for crap they don't need and consuming en masse. It's kind of gross.
The rest of the weekend went by in a blur of Elf, more Felicity, visits with friends, a closet purge and lazing about on the couch for hours on end. Somewhere in there I finally managed to leave the house for margaritas and a mini dance-off, but that was it. Yesterday when tossing out the Bed Bath and Beyond catalog I noticed something I might actually feel like buying:
If I had a Wii this inflatable car might be set up in my living room right now.
Given the hysteria taking place in stores over the next 30 days, however, I will be remaining at home in a mace-free zone, eyeballs and hair safely in my head.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Did you take your life into your own hands on Black Friday? I want the mad details.
Thanksgiving 2011