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Twilight Breaking Dawn: Innocence is Dead

Remember this Edward and Bella?  Well kiss it goodbye.  

On Saturday I ventured out to see a matinee of Twilight:  Breaking Dawn.
And yes I am admitting it despite being moderately horrified.
I've never read the books and only caught the other movies when they hit HBO, but
 found them pretty entertaining despite the cheese factor.  Okay because of the cheese factor.
That being said I was completely caught off guard when Edward decided to chew
the baby out of Bella's womb during childbirth.  I'll give you a moment to let that sink in.
I mean I get that it was a super strength baby and all, but really??
It's been 36 hours since the movie ended and I'm still jacked up.

Did you catch it this weekend?  Thoughts?
And what on earth with the blood shakes?  Gagging.