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It's a Sign: The Sequin Pants Saga

A couple years ago you would have found me hunched over the computer staring at Siwy's sequin Hannah's for hours.  I am by no means daring with the sequins, yet there was just something about these pants.  Should I? Shouldn't I? Should I? Shouldn't I? It was a never-ending cycle of staring and questioning.  Then they went on sale.  It was the height of the recession (or is that now? It's like a broken record...) and I just kept watching and waiting for a slightly lower price then BAM! Those hookers were gone!  Snatched out from under me while I fell asleep at the watch computer being a cheapskate.

Funny how it goes, isn't it?  You think you might not need something and then the moment you can't have it anymore you suddenly realize, 'Hey I really do need those pants.  I need them now.  I will wear them every day.' Of course it was too late, but I never forgot those pants.  Every once in awhile I would take it to eBay and do a search that resulted in, well, nary a sequined pant.

And then last fall rolled around and Isabel rained down with her sequins during which time 
I almost poked my own eyes out for having dropped the ball.
which if you're not reading you're seriously robbing yourself.

Aaaand of course in winter Carey appeared wearing the gold version I had lamented over, though likely would never have had the nuts to wear.  Yes I just said nuts.  I bawled softly into a kleenex while kicking myself yet again.

And then it happened.  A few weeks ago I was perusing Hautelook (which I rarely ever do uh, hel-lo SIGN!) and spotted a Siwy sale on the horizon.  Silently I whispered, 'If those friggin' pants are there they are mine.'  Cut to scene and there I was, clicker finger at the ready, 8am PST the following day.  I open the sale, I see the pants, I scream out loud and purchase the mothers!!!  Admittedly, a bit of angst remained.  Would they live up to my long-awaited expectations?  Did I really need them after all? (seriously I have no idea what is wrong with me).  Well they arrived and all I have to say is hell yes!

*Due to copious amounts of work you may notice I have not had an outfit post or consistent posts of any sort in weeks.  My bad on that front and we're doing what we can to rectify, but as you well know love don't pay the bills.*  

In the meantime examine the evidence:

In parting I leave you with the words of Winston Churchill and the kid on Martian Child:  
"Never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever give up."

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