Blog Informasi Tentang Burung Ciblek dan Burung Kicauan Lokal

All My Dreams Are Coming True

Not that long ago I walked into Anthropologie and came face to face with my dream home.  It was a moment.  Back in January I passed up a childlike version at the flea market because, well, let's face it--I'm not the size of a 7 year old anymore.  Secret's out. 

All my life I've been drawn to teepees. Tepees. Tipis. However you want to spell it I'm in.  Or I want to be anyway.  Did you hear that shout from the west late last night?  It was me.  Bedridden and perusing the internets when lo and behold I fell upon the Cowboy Teepee tent.  

ACK! (or whatever sound it was I made) Probably more like *gasp!!*

Taking it to the phone lines I alerted my mom and the Chef to see if either of them would like to come through for me in my hour of need.  We'll see who gets here first.  Or if I have to take matters into my own hands.  
I think I'll set mine up on the deck and toss in those boho pillows from last year
and of course BLANKET!!
I can see me in it now.  
It looks incredibly cat friendly, too.
It has cowboy print!! 

A hearty THANK YOU to Cath Kidston for her creative genius.
My inner 7 year old is feeling the love.