Blog Informasi Tentang Burung Ciblek dan Burung Kicauan Lokal

Misty Faded Memories

In my parents' house we have a lot of photo albums.  One of my favorite pastimes has always been  flipping through those old pictures to see my parents before they were married and then before they had me and my brother.  The hair people, the hair! As I've gotten older I've developed a keen interest in who my parents are and were as individuals, and then measuring myself against those characteristics to look for similarities.  No matter who we are, I think we all want to know where we come from.

My mom definitely carried on the picture taking tradition throughout my childhood.  We've got everything from first haircut to first day of school, mud pies in the field, the time my brother sat on my Barbie camper and squashed it (bloodcurdling shrieks), and teenage photos that basically entail a hand in the camera.  Thanks mom!  When I met Chris's parents for the first time, one of the things I noticed right away (aside from the cat paraphernalia--win) was their life on display throughout the house.  Not just formal family photos, but day-to-day type photos that spanned the years.  As we sat and talked, they shared vivid memories from those pictures that made for rich storytelling, and it's something I'll always remember.

This past weekend we were talking about how we basically haven't captured diddly squat of most of this past year on film. Or whatever it's technically called now. Time? WHO HAS THE TIME? Well you'll have a lot less of it if you can't remember it...SAD FACE.  Aside from time there's lugging around the camera.  Ever go to a restaurant supply store with a big ol' camera? Uh yeah, once. That's not happening again.  Rather than aiming for perfection we've decided to just Instagram or iPhone pic until we come up with a better solution. Or another hour in the day.

Scenes from this past Saturday:
I get a shot of my shoes on the way out the door. 
Moments later I'm at the restaurant. 
Okay not exactly moments later, but like around two hours later.
You see there was this pitstop at Target that entailed tribal print shorts and a maxi skirt...
soooooo I guess Target and I are back together then?

This is what we call '20 minute breaks in the car'. That time when you can talk freely and candidly about your day in an attempt to determine what needs to be returned to Target.  And whether or not you might need to come into the restaurant for Happy Hour after all.

Mix of my faves on the weekend: Monkey Sweater-Madewell, T-James Perse, Shorts-Current/Elliott, Necklace & Bag-Vanessa Mooney, Shoes-Arnold Churgin.