Blog Informasi Tentang Burung Ciblek dan Burung Kicauan Lokal

Saving Graces

By mid-afternoon on Friday I was barely hanging onto my religion from having to deal with the box.

If you are unaware of boxville's mayor, please see the previous post.  

Having waxed on so poetically as to how I was going to hold it together and refrain from ripping a new hole, I held myself to it whilst cursing myself all the way but couldn't help fearing the buzzkill of it all would linger like a dark cloud over the weekend. 

Once the clock struck 3 it seemed only fair to let my employees go home a little early after a tough week. Seeing as I'm my only employee it was even more delightful. With oodles of free time and Cinco de Mayo on the horizon, I took it to the streets to scour antique shops in questionable neighborhoods I had only heard about in rap songs. 

I was in full-scale 'cannot be in my office for one more second or I will lose it' mode, as evidenced by this photo:
Here we've got some blur, some positive thinking as manifested on the shirt (fake it til you make it), 
a fringe bag for protection, the magic shoes and a whack pose for good measure. 
Once inside I left all those worries behind upon spotting the above. GOLD CATS. 
Not to be mistaken for the golden calf.
And, um, yeah.  New roommate. 
I could go on but I'll stop here. I mean how could I even top it? Not possible.

Before I knew it, it was time to head home aka back to the work space.  The one downfall of working at home is it's hard to leave a less than stellar day behind, so let's just say I was not in the mood. Once there I dialed everyone and their mother to see who wanted chips and salsa so I could, you know, continue running away from home.  What? No one?? 

Around that time I began feeling sorry for myself until I turned on The Young and the Restless and realized Victor Newman has waaaaaaaaay fewer friends than me.  *Bright side.* Suddenly my phone buzzed with an email from Claire. Claire who is from the Bay area and has been a blog friend for the past two years even though we've never met face to face. Claire was in my neighborhood, on a girls trip and on her way to none other than The Corner with a bunch of other bloggers + friend? VICTORY IS OURS.

See what I mean about fake it 'til you make it?  Examine the evidence:
The incomparable Claire! 
After all these years I guess I could have hauled out a comb? 
We've got peeps from SF, the UK and Canada all right here. Loves it!

It was by far the best way to kick off a weekend that turned out to be incredibly fun-filled and crazy. A special thanks to Micaela, Marianne, Claire, Ezgi (doesn't blog, but should do stand up comedy) and Faiza for peeling by for dinner and drinks. Can't wait to see you again!