Blog Informasi Tentang Burung Ciblek dan Burung Kicauan Lokal

Amazed by a Forster's Tern

Standing on the dune along the Cape Canaveral National Seashore, I watched a foraging Forster's tern working the water just beyond the breaking waves. It flew parallel to the beach, heading north into the wind, looking down at the water for the silver flicker of sunlight reflecting off fish scales.

Catching sight of just such a flash, it stops, planting one wingtip in the invisible air, then cartwheeling into a dive.

Down like a lead arrow, bill-first it plunges. Splash!

Springing up from one Earth element into another, the tern shakes itself, sending small jewels of wet back to the foam. Nothing small and silvery wriggles in its bill. Nothing to show for such mastery of air and water.

And the tern turns again into the wind, pumping forward on white wings dusted with gray.

I watch from the sand—earthbound—slack-jawed and stirred at the wonder of it all. , , , ,