On another note I would like to formally announce that I am sicker than I have ever been in my adult life, with the exception of the walking pneumonia that damn near claimed my life last year. Monday consisted of the following: get up, cry, go back to sleep, get up, drag down hallway, watch lung cancer survivors on Bold & Beautiful, cry, watch commercial about Lucille Ball dying from undetected heart disease, cry, pass out, wake up, sneeze 18 times straight, eat a chocolate, cry...I think you get the idea. Finally hauling it to the computer to see photobucket wreaking havoc unnecessarily sent me right to the kleenex box.
Jalapeno Cucumber Margarita in the distance...
someday I will drink it again. Maybe today.
Straight out of the bottle. Without the mix.
Please allow me a moment to dry my eyes.
On a 100% more positive note I want to thank EVERYONE who is taking part in the white denim challenge we're having right now. I managed to sit up for 10 minutes yesterday and read your posts during which time I cheered (and cried some more) out of sheer glee!! I am loving the outfit combos and getting so many awesome ideas. I don't give a rat's rear end...I wear those mother's year round.
Up today is:
- Anna Jane - See Jane
- Valerie - Red Vines for Breakfast - holy shiz i just checked her out and she's got her mom's fur on. DEAL!
- Rosa - True Crew Love, but she also posts here so check both if you don't see it on one.
- Elle - Elle Sees
- Jayme - Jammer at 10am - girl is a sports fanatic and went to the superbowl...here's hoping she made it back.
I'll do my best to check in w/all of you later today. Want to check out everyone's outfits and catch up on blogs, but not sure I'll be able to. Must get mobile in order to have my post ready for Thursday if I'm not in the hospital. Only kinda joking.
on my deathbed
pass the margaritas
photobucket is the enemy
White Denim Challenge Day 2