Blog Informasi Tentang Burung Ciblek dan Burung Kicauan Lokal

Breaking All The Rules

Have you seen everyone's winter white challenge posts the past couple days?  Holy mother of pearl they've been off the hook!  Even though I've been hanging off the couch viewing through the veil of delirium it hasn't masked the awesomeness.  Nerd alert:  I love sharing ideas.

I also really appreciate all the kind words and well wishes you've left here.  This plague (thanks Anna) has left me knocked flat out and absent for most of the past couple days.  Yesterday I asked if it was, not so much.  The Chef's been stopping by to make sure I've still got plenty of dark chocolate, pink grapefruit and broth aka my daily bread and all I seem to be able to eat.  At times like these I realize how lucky I am to have someone who cares about participating in my day to day - every day.  

Like a couple of weeks ago when we went to the flea market 
and the 85yr old guy at the Native American head dress booth 
- who was wearing white sweat socks on his hands just because -
wouldn't sell me the head dress unless I 
agreed to also buy the chaps and "pistolis" - wait for it - go with the coordinating cowboy outfit.  Um, no?

What is a pistoli you ask?  A kid's plastic cap gun.  Actually a pair of them.  In between trying not to collapse over sock hands and the feather head dress I'd thrown on in effort to make my best plea (i mean really can you just imagine the outfit posts??  don't worry i haven't given up...), the Chef began bartering with the guy trying to talk pistoli.  At which time he accidentally shot off a cap and I had to fake bending down to tie my flip flop in order not to completely lose it.

White sweat socks on hands are also a faux pas fashion statement to be explored.  Perhaps we should do that challenge next...thoughts? 

Bringin' the white denim action today we have:

Here's hoping I can somehow get mobile, bathe and get outside to have my post ready for Thursday.  Dancing on the edge yet again.  Argh
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