Cue the crazy pills because I really do have Bieber Fever now. No jokes.
There was only one person under 25 in an almost full theatre, and we sat in front of the team who made the trailers for his movie...all decked out in purple 3D glasses. Yes, I'm 14 again (and couldn't be happier) - and was so buzzed out off the movie that I almost forgot I was sick - so on Saturday I ventured outside yet again for a little more Vitamin D down at the docks.

Melinda Maria - Mademoiselle Pod Ring
It only seemed right to don something with at least a little purple in it.
I mean Justin wears it...good grief I've lost it.
Except I think my 5 year old niece is going to think I'm pretty cool.
Close-up on the Super High Hasbeens - you will never regret.
I was stopped 3x on Saturday afternoon alone. Totally comfortable, cute staple.
Speaking of never regretting (and never saying neverrrrr) this was my first Tucker piece and
it remains a favorite. The vibrant color and flow of the blouse make it
a total go-to. As long as I'm wearing it I'm sure I'll stay One Less Lonely Girl.
Long live the Chef (in my sunnnies ha!)...who clearly knew that only Bieber Fever could mend a fever?
Ba-by, ba-by, ba-by oooooooooooh! Oops wrong song.
Bieber Fever
I'm a Belieber
J Brand
Justin Bieber
Melinda Maria
Never Say Never the Movie
One Less Lonely Girl
Swedish hasbeens
Tucker by Gaby Basora
it remains a favorite. The vibrant color and flow of the blouse make it
a total go-to. As long as I'm wearing it I'm sure I'll stay One Less Lonely Girl.
Long live the Chef (in my sunnnies ha!)...who clearly knew that only Bieber Fever could mend a fever?
Ba-by, ba-by, ba-by oooooooooooh! Oops wrong song.
I'll be back tomorrow with more tales because shortly after this I went to fill up on dark chocolate at See's (any excuse seeing as Jillian's on hiatus due to fever and it is Valentine's Day weekend mmmkay?) and some crazy woman felt the need to haul me over mid-mall to school me on the finer points of "skinny denim's out ya know. It's really all about a wide leg these days." Excuse me eyeliner sister? Can't you see I have Bieber Fever and don't really care?? I about fell over in my tracks. Can you imagine if I'd been wearing my whites?
Before I go, and I mean this sincerely, you should totally go see Bieber's movie. He can dance and sing - we're talking natural ability - and is 16, almost 17, year old charming. The story is told documentary style and is an incredibly inspiring journey about a small town Canadian kid from humble beginnings. You may not know this if you're a newer follower, but I grew up in a small town on the Canadian prairies, so to see how far this young person has come is remarkable. At the risk of sounding like a swoony cuckoo bird, I'm just going to admit it: I've become a Belieber.
Just in time for Valentine's Day....One Less Lonely Girl