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It's Friday - Let Us Collect Our Winnings and Run Away

image via we heart it

Usually I would have a funny or sarcastic story, perhaps a yummy recipe or sassy shoe, but not today friends.  No instead today I have, for the 40948473653th time, a head cold that has rendered me exhausted.  So I simply leave you with a heartfelt thanks for such a great white denim-filled week.   

What's on your agenda this weekend?  My customary Friday evening margaritas have been replaced with cold medicine, more green tea, and movies on the couch - it could be worse, right?  I mean on The Young and the Restless (guilty pleasure) Ronan could have perished during his liver transplant rather than disappearing moments after the organ was placed in his body.  Now I can hang in suspense wondering where he's gone off to in less than optimal soap opera health - just in case I'm still on the ol' couch come Monday - can you say couch sores?  In dim news Dallas Raines, the local weather guy, just sent up a red flag that we have approximately 2 weeks of rain coming our way starting Wednesday.  Isn't that special? Not really.  See?  This is what it's come to.  Delirium has set in and I'm just rambling on about nothing.  House arrest is not the new black.  

Thankfully Valentine's Day is on Monday so there should be a truckload of dark chocolate in my future - hopefully yours, too.  Until then I wish you a relaxing and fun couple of days off.  

Before I run, I mean go lay down yet again, a special congrats to Taylor from Curly in the City - she won the Brooklyn Thread giveaway!! Yay!  Thanks to all of you who took the time to enter.  Have a great weekend everyone!
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