~My Grandma, Grandpa and Mom on the day of her wedding to my Dad~
I guess it's nostalgia week here at the bird. I can't tell you how long it's going to last so it might end up being nostalgia month before we know it. Change does that to me. My mom called tonight to let me know my uncle's daughter ripped down my grandmother's house to build a new one in its place. In an instant I was overcome with sadness - dare I say grief - and immediately transported back through time, standing in her kitchen by the old coal stove while she lifted the burners to stoke the fire. My mom and her 8 brothers and sisters grew up in a one bedroom tiny house on the prairies in Canada. They came from humble beginnings, but their house and family was always overflowing with love, laughter and acceptance. My grandma was the kindest most generous person I've ever known and it pains me greatly to think I'll never step foot in her tiny home again. For some reason I can't stop thinking about the wonderful, cold glasses of water she used to give me in the bubbled drinking glasses she pulled out from behind the dark yellow stained-glass cupboard doors. It hit me tonight - I can never go back in time to that time again - as much as I know it and live it daily, it just really sunk in. Those days are over - a thing of the past. This aging thing is really getting to me...I'm thinking about mortality - mine and everyone else in my family - and time seems to have sped up exponentially. Is this a mid-life crisis? Is this where men duck and run to go buy a sports car in order to feel young again? Whatever the case may be - I just love this picture of my gram (and mom and grandpa) - she was chic to the fullest in her lace dress and hat. I have a feeling those really were the days -- I know they were.
I'm Old
Mom's Wedding Day
Pass The Kleenex
The Past