Blog Informasi Tentang Burung Ciblek dan Burung Kicauan Lokal

The Grass Is Always Greener

Do you ever just feel like you're going on about your de do de do de do when wham! (not george michael) you get hit between the eyes by the sheer incompetence of those around you?  I often find myself wondering how on earth it is that people are employed.

Take for example my recent run-in with Verizon.  I have what they call the Triple Bundle:  phone, internet and television.  One would think that when you transfer service all 3 pieces of that TRIPLE BUNDLE package would automatically be activated at the new residence, no?  Oh it transferred all right.  For 2 days until someone over there in Verizonland decided to change the status of my order from 'complete' to 'pending' causing only the phone service to go dead.  Why?  No one knows - isn't that interesting?  Three hours and five different departments later, apparently no one over there is 'authorized' to change that one little word back to its appropriate status - COMPLETE.  Someone took the authority to eff it up, but no one wants to man up and take the authority to make it right.  At least not for 24 to 48 hours.  Why?  Who knows?  No one - that's who.  So in the meantime I'm trying to recruit without a phone.  Effective, isn't it? It's like being at a standstill in the dark.  Everyone knows where the switch is, but no one who can reach it will turn the bloody thing on.  Good grief.

~J.Crew Military Vest, Free People Tank & Tube, Siwy Hannah Denim, Brandy&Melville Bag, 
J.Crew Ballet Flats, PANYC & Motif56 Bracelets, Target Sunnies, Random Necklaces~

Speaking of dark:  the electric company decided it would be a good idea to go ahead and just kill the power to my old apartment rather than transferring it back into the owner's name as has been done since, oh, the dawn of electricity. Oh no that would be too much like, say, proper procedure.  Instead I am now without wheels and a prisoner in my own home due to the fact that my car is parked in the garage that can't be opened because the garage door opener is, you guessed it, electric and on the same account as the one they gloriously (dripping with sarcasm) turned off!  Even better?  There is apparently a rash of electric company switch turn-ons this week so they can't get the account reactivated - and my car out of the garage - until...wait for it...MONDAY.  Pardon me while I spontaneously combust.

Excuse me stranger?  Can I get a ride?  Is that a moth in your hair?  Oh, no thanks.

Can someone please turn the lights back on?  I'm just trying to keep moving forward and avoid lingering in my former, well put together and much loved abode where everything had its home, was organized and wonderfully decorated.  A place where I could get in and out of the garage with ease.  Those were the days.
Onward and upward, my friends.  I smell Friday and a nice long NAP.
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