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Denim On White

By the time Friday hits I usually can't even think straight much less concern myself with what to wear throughout the weekend should any special outings occur.  This past weekend I had a bunch of errands to run on Saturday and was hoping to pull out something a little snazzier than sweats or boyfriend jeans and a t-shirt (take note because I live in bf jeans).  It was with much relief that I found Jamie at Work Your Closet in just the nick of time.  She had posted a picture of Drew Barrymore in a daytime look that I immediately connected with, and already possessed the elements of.  Love those outfits best...and so does le wallet.

Cut to scene and Saturday found me having to politely ask the neighbor to turn down his heavy metal music that not only rattled my windows, but certainly deafened the elderly couple who share a wall with him.  Possessing newfound 'eye of the tiger' I skedaddled off into the living room to take on Level 3/Day 1 of the 30 85 Day Shred (woot!) before terror could grip me, later emerging victoriously to clean up and don the Drew Barry inspiration for an afternoon out.  I think it was a hit because even though I had mad bags under my eyes the Chef noted how well the outfit suited me, and even told me it did not remind him of Ma Ingalls when I gave him the Little House on the Prairie interrogation.  Little trivia for you:  I'm a master at Little House on the Prairie and believe I have seen every episode.  I used to dream of being Laura Ingalls running with Mary and little sis Carrie through the grass as Ma and Pa pulled up in the wagon.  

~Martin+Osa-Denim Shirt, Anthropologie-Belt, Odille-Skirt (seen  here), Sorial-Handbag~
~PANYC-Wrap Bracelet, Free People-Studded Bracelet & Silver Ring, Melinda Maria-Link Ring~
I know I carry on about FP a lot, but they really do have some very cool pieces 
of jewelry that are not overly expensive.  You have to weed through, but the treasures
you emerge with make it well worth the look.
Somehow I'm thinking Laura Ingalls may not have been up to speed on my studded sandals, but
I'll give her a pass - she was too busy wheeling Almanzo who had to be 15 years older.
What a vixen.
Scene of the noisy music crime lies just in the background...hours earlier I
had leaned over in a much more disheveled outfit *think purple tank and beige JP sweats*
with tossed salad hairdo to match, bellering out:
'Hey! Would you mind to turn that down a smidge?'
To which I got blank stares in return.  Of course I did.  They couldn't HEAR me over
the heavy metal screams.  Is that music? Ears bled for miles around.
And then I was off to release my patchwork dreams which have recently
threatened to turn my home into a scene out of How to Make an American Quilt.
Painful on so many levels.

So I'm not sure what you think of the ol' denim on white.  I personally love it and so did the girls at Anthro when I stopped by to return that shade and recover a piece of my sanity.  Sometimes I meander out in things I'm kind of wondering if people will raise an eyebrow to just to see what happens.  The litmus test always lies in having someone stop to ask where you got your stuff.  Works like a charm!

Hope you had a grand weekend/Mother's Day!

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