Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd walk up, be asked to enter via the front door only, then go around front to find a guy hanging onto a palm branch unable to stand begging some girl to come back to his place and continue the party. Oh it gets better: there were gobs of people strewn everywhere all wearing wristbands. I had to get a wristband if I wanted my Don Julio.
Exhibit A
(taken hours later in the Chef's kitchen that is undergoing significant cleaning)
Even better? It was a mariachi disco once inside. Oh who am I kidding? I heard that music from the parking lot. As I followed the host, weaving through the crowd toward our table, servers danced on by. Upon closer examination it appeared the majority of patrons were dancing around. Unable to contain myself I burst out laughing and collapsed into the booth immediately taking to twitter:
birdgirlc Carrie Omg our fave Mexican restaurant has turned into a mariachi disco...I just had to get a wristband & a server danced by the table#cincodemayo
Moments later the Chef appears with a big grin on his face. I holler, 'This place is going OFF. Who would've thought?' To which he responds, 'WHAT?!? I can't hear you.' As I peruse the menu the Chef gives me the secret eye signal to look to my left where I found the following:
birdgirlc Carrie Red alert: couple grinding next to table #holycrap #cincodemayo isn't this a restaurant??
Next thing you know some random guy from another table joins them. I have to turn away. I'm officially old. Wait! My camera's in my bag! Is it too late to get a video?! While I attempt to figure out how to work the stupid thing they disco off back to their separate tables before I can get documentation. Bugger. We manage to get our drinks, take a few gulps from the plastic cups, ogle the older woman next to our table with the tatted sleeves tossing back shots of tequila, and get our food order in while trying to maintain composure. As my Shrimp Botana arrives at the table and I proceed to indulge in a homemade tortilla as we revel in the joy of being out with the crazy Cinco de Mayo peeps. It's fun, it's energetic, it's scary, we're alive...and the place blows a fuse knocking out power for an entire city block. Where's my camera again?
Exhibit B
Drunken Cinco de Mayo revelers attempting the 'drink and dash'
after the mariachi disco spinner blows a fuse.
Within 5 seconds drunken fools began screaming 'Bin Laden's dead!' as they scattered to exits attempting not to pay their tabs. Fortunately employees began blocking off exits and handwriting checks. I was so bummed. All I wanted was another margarita.
Exhibit C: Best Cinco de Mayo yet
I have officially lost control of the font and can't get it to behave. In any event I would love to hear about your Cinco de Mayo's. And if you don't have a tale of your own, by all means feel free to re-tell mine.
Have a great weekend everyone...enjoy celebrating your Moms! I can't wait to see what my cats got me.